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Best Remedies for Homesickness in College

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

College life will have its stressors. Balancing your academic life and your social life can seem overwhelming enough on its own, but the added dilemma of homesickness can really start to get in the way of your livelihood in your present life, in your present location.

This nostalgia-based ailment can be hard to ignore, but there are ways to work through it, and even find a new appreciation for your current location! 

Call home

Call your family on a day when you have time. Don’t concern yourself with finding something to say or something to update them about, just let them know you were thinking of them and wanted to say hi!

Missing people from home is normal, and it is important to remember that they miss you too! Speaking to them casually can help you feel more connected, rather than dwelling on that longing for connection that you feel away from home by yourself.

Don’t call home so much that it starts to make your homesickness worse. After you call, reflect on how it made you feel, and go from there.

gather some nostalgic items

Comfort items can go a long way. Whether it is a childhood stuffed animal, a fuzzy pair of pajama pants that remind you of sleeping at home or a book you loved as a little kid, there is always room to include comfort items in your current space. It helps you express your appreciation for fond home memories, while also incorporating them into your college home.

recreate a safe space

Do you have a favorite coffee shop unique to your hometown? Maybe there was a record store that you were a regular at and now you find yourself miles and miles away from it.  

All hope is not lost! College towns have something for everyone in the areas surrounding campus and beyond. Head out on a walk, and find a new location that matches your spirit in the ways certain places in your hometown did. 

Enjoy the search. You might be surprised by some of the gems you can find in the downtown areas, that you never knew were so close all this time! 

listen to music from your childhood

Homesickness is an emotionally charged affliction. The process of working through it almost operates like a breakup. And as with breakups, the music choices are essential. 

This is not to say you should lock yourself in a dark room watching the saddest Disney movies from your childhood all day. However, listening to a song your mother used to sing to you, or something you have not voluntarily listened to since you were 10, can help give you a little comfort during the day. 

write about where you grew up

Illustrate with words what your favorite place or view in your hometown looks and feels like. Get more detailed than you feel is necessary. It can feel as if you are putting yourself back there. If words are not your strong suit, draw a picture! 

Even a doodle on the sidelines of your notes can help you express appreciation for your home that is at the root of your homesickness. Homesickness can feel like a lingering aura around you. Be concise and focused on what you miss and find a way to relate it to your current location. If you loved how a place in your hometown looked when the sun went down, take a walk where you live now at sunset. Write about that, too. 

document your surroundings

Spending time looking at even the simplest photos from your life at home can enhance the seemingly never-ending yearning to be home, so flip the switch! Take pictures where you are, even if it seems unimportant or basic. Your camera roll will transition your focus from old good memories to new good memories. 

Take photos of the prettiest spots on your campus, or of squirrels doing funny things. Even document your Starbucks drink if you feel so inclined! Write down things you experienced throughout the day; a compliment on your outfit, a funny moment that happened in class or places on campus you want to explore more sometime. 

An aspect of homesickness is the feeling of losing the familiar. If you familiarize yourself with your current surroundings, it will begin to feel like home again. 

talk to someone who is not at home

Talk to your friends at college or your roommate and tell them the stories you have about where you are from. Ask them about what their life was like at home. Maybe they feel homesick too, and you can feel that absence together.  

Intertwine yourself with your college community. It is always helpful to stay busy and to never stop meeting new people. Simple things like joining a club or starting a conversation with someone in your class can make your surroundings seem more vibrant and keep you present and grounded.  

Homesickness can feel heavy and unrelenting, but it is normal and honestly expected upon moving away to college. It is something most people experience throughout their lives as they move to different areas. The important thing is to not ignore it but to still approach your current situation with curiosity and an open mind.

Explore your campus and its resources to the fullest. One day, you might feel homesick for college. Collect as many new memories as you are able, and you will grow with every experience. 

Sarah Corrigan is a senior at Pennsylvania State University with a major in public relations and a minor in creative writing.