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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Since the last presidential election, women’s marches have increased – and for good reason. The most recent march on Jan. 21 was a worldwide protest against new policies regarding human rights, immigration reform, health care and many others. So, this article is dedicated to the amazing woman who march and the very creative signs they make:


1. This amazing ode to a classic female badass.



2. Shout out to the dudes who stand with us.



3. This friendly reminder.




4. What we all want to scream.

Source: stuntcrew/Instagram


5. A true icon.

 Source: jazzyramen/Instagram 


6. This one is so real it hurts.


7. A shout out to Broadway.

 Source: Jay Deming


8. We grab back.

Source: Falzone


9. One of my personal favorites.

 Source: Pinterest


10. Last but not least this classic.

Source: Pinterest

Hope is currently a sophomore at Pennsylvania State University, where she is majoring in Media Studies and minoring in Theatre.
Allie Maniglia served as the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Penn State from 2017-2018. She majored in public relations with minors in international studies and communication arts and sciences. If she's not busy writing away, you can find her planning her next adventure (probably back to the U.K.), feeding an unhealthy addiction to HGTV or watching dog videos on YouTube.