The month of love is upon us.
Everyone always assumes February is for those in a couple or in recent times for your gals.
However, everyone always forgets about the most important type of love: love for yourself.
There is no one else who knows you better, no one else who is with you through everything and no one who pushes you harder than yourself.
Sure, self-love has its ups and downs. You’ll always have moments where you’re proud and disappointed with yourself. That’s just life.
Speaking from experience, I struggle with overthinking, so self-love has never been easy. However, recently I’ve realized the importance of it and all the benefits it brings. There’s less hurt when I’m not fighting and hating myself.
You need to love yourself amidst all good times and bad.
It doesn’t matter if you cause yourself to struggle a little or if you always support yourself. It doesn’t matter if you’re shy or confident. It doesn’t matter if you have a lot or a little going on in your life.
There’s no excuse for not giving yourself the right amount of love.
When you decide to love yourself life becomes brighter, better and fuller.
Stopping the inner battles with yourself will cause you to be at peace in your own head and skin. What’s better than being at peace with yourself?
Throughout life, the person who will be with you for it all is yourself. Isn’t that kind of comforting and scary at the same time? Yeah, I know it is.
That’s why it’s better to be comfortable within yourself to make life easier. It’s better to appreciate going through every moment with yourself by your side and to have that alignment to make healthier decisions.
Finding ways to keep that self-love going is important during a time like this.
There are many ways to prioritize yourself and prove your self-love.
Getting active is one physical way to keep yourself healthy and commit to self-growth. You could join exercise classes or maintain a workout routine throughout the week. Being active proves to yourself that you’re there for you and willing to support you.
You can’t preach self-love if your mind isn’t in the right head space. Journaling and learning new skills are perfect ways to keep your mind clear and sharp, ready to take on more challenges and prepared for the future.
Practicing self-love on your mind and body are perfect ways to keep your attention on yourself.
However, what’s a loved mind and body without a loved soul?
Ways to keep your soul loved are meditation, reaching your goals and embracing activities you love. Doing these will keep your attention on yourself and on being happy.
Make sure to give yourself just as much attention as you give others. Giving yourself attention and priority is giving yourself love.
Love is what everyone wants to feel. However, people don’t speak enough about the love you can give to yourself.
We don’t just need love from others, but we need to love ourselves as well.
So, prioritize yourself, work for yourself and love yourself.
Loving yourself is the best thing you can do for yourself.