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Hypochlorous Acid has Taken Over My For You Page, So I Bought It

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

If you have no idea what hypochlorous acid is, that’s OK. I didn’t either until last week when it was all over my TikTok For You Page.

From my understanding, it’s an acid that forms when chlorine is dissolved in water, but it is also naturally produced in our bodies and is found within white blood cells to help kill off bacteria and harmful things in our bodies.

I also read it’s a good product to clean fruits and vegetables so I guess it’s a versatile product.

But I’m not here for the science side of it, I’m here for clear skin.

That’s right.

Apparently, if I spray this chlorine mixture on my face (it smells like bleach by the way) my skin will clear up.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had little bumps on my face that really aren’t noticeable to anyone but they drive me crazy.

No matter what I try they will not go away, and I am determined to find something that works.

Hypochlorous acid is said to work against bacteria and microorganisms on the skin that produce acne. So I thought this might be a good solution to my issues.

After watching enough videos about it, I decided I needed to try it for myself. If it’s working for everyone on TikTok it must work for me too, right?


After a week of using it, I can confidently say my skin looks worse.

Yeah, I’m pretty disappointed.

I so badly wish this product worked for me because for the people it did work for, their skin looked amazing.

The instructions said to use the spray a minimum of two times a day, which I did, and reviews said their skin cleared up overnight, but mine did not.

My skin has been more red and has had more pimples pop up.

Since I’ve been using it for a week and it hasn’t done anything for me, I think it might be something I need to return.

But the reviews like mine are important because, to be honest, most of the videos I saw about it were likely people promoting the sale on TikTok shop to make money off of easily influenced people like me.

Even though I saw it on TikTok, I bought mine from Amazon and it had 4.5 stars with almost five thousand reviews, so it sounded promising.

Obviously, I don’t know if they used any other products that played into their good complexion, but I’d seen enough positives to think it would work for me too.

Now it’s also common knowledge that all skincare works differently for everyone. Just because it didn’t work for me, doesn’t mean it can’t work for you.

If you’re interested here is one of the TikTok’s I saw that influenced me to try it:


using this everyday + monthly facials = smooth skin. this has been doing WONDERS for my hormonal acne #hypochlorousacid #spray #disinfectant #tiktokshop #tiktokshopfinds #trendingproducts #acneskin #acne

♬ original sound – tiktokforyouvids

Since this product didn’t work for me, I am still on the hunt for the perfect product to even out my skin and get rid of those pesky little bumps.

Caroline is a third-year student at Penn State studying digital and print journalism with a minor in digital media trends and analytics. When she is not doing school work or writing for HER Campus @ PSU, she is at the gym, watching YouTube, cooking/ baking, or hanging out with friends.