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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Since March 2020, life has been a static buzz, like the white noise on your old TV from when you were younger. 


It doesn’t necessarily bother you but it is not the best, and the extent of it is a bit uncomfortable. I miss bustling life and seeing smiles in public. I miss even the things I used to hate, like having to give a presentation in class. 


It can be so easy to get lost in the negative and forget the brightness of each day, no matter how small it might be. Although I have lost a lot since Covid-19 took over, I have gained so much, including some great life lessons from my dog, Luna. She is 11 years old, my lucky number, and very wise.


Drawing of a dog under tree
Original illustration by Fernandra Cuadro

Get some fresh air and stop to smell the roses, all of them… and don’t let anyone take you away from them just yet.

It is so important, especially now, to get out and enjoy the sunlight. Especially as it starts getting dark earlier, this is vital to your well-being. Walks with your furry friend or just a human friend are great ways to love your body and the day. The sun is smiling down on you — smile back!


Drawing of dog sleeping near couch
Original illustration by Fernandra Cuadro


Take a day for yourself and sleep in, maybe sleep the whole day if you want.

Adjusting to this new life is hard. School is a never-ending cycle, and it can easily be overwhelming. I know I find it hard to slow down right now and let myself breathe. It is important to remember to care for yourself and recognize when you just need a day to chill.


Drawing of Girl and her dog
Original illustration by Fernandra Cuadro

If you like something, say something. You will never know what will happen or whose day you’ll make better.

Life is so short and you never know when things will change. There is no point in waiting when you have the power to make things happen. Whether this applies to love or your career, it is the best advice you can apply to your life. 

Things move too quickly to not act now. This even goes for acts such as complimenting a stranger. You never know what someone is going through, and that tiny compliment could be the rainbow after a storm for them.


Drawing of dog barking at nothing
Original illustration by Fernandra Cuadro

Speak up for the people you love, but know when to stop.

Your family and friends, whoever you consider to be these people, are everything. They are your supporters and your backbone. It is your job to be the same for them and be their support system. But, it is also your job to listen to, respect, and understand them completely. Empathy is an important skill; do not ignore it.


Drawing of girl and her dog
Original illustration by Fernandra Cuadro

And don’t forget you are so loved. Even when they leave or you think they forgot, they didn’t.

Losing touch is easy despite how connected we all are through social media and technology. A small shift in conversation is not the end of the world. It is hard to accept, especially in these seemingly lonely times. 

But, you are so, so loved. Not seeing someone doesn’t mean you have lost love for each other. They are just waiting to come back home to you. When you do, that’ll make that time alone worth the overwhelming joy upon reuniting.

I am currently a Junior at Penn State studying Biobehavioral Health. Besides school and writing for Her Campus, I love all kinds of music and am currently learning to play the ukulele! In my free time, I love to play with my dogs as well as watch my favorite shows, New Girl and Glee.
Arden Ericson will graduate Penn State in May of 2023. As one of the Campus Correspondents for Her Campus at PSU, she is a double-major in Public Relations and French Language. After graduation, she will pursue a career that combines her passion for educational equity, social justice and French.