Dear Rita’s Water Ice + Customers,
I love you. You have changed my life in unbelievable ways and I am forever grateful. However, as I get older and begin to develop my professional career, I am disappointed to say that I may need to move on. In this letter, I am going to outline some of my favorite things I enjoyed about working for the company, and why other people should look into it.
To begin, I am going to explain how much I have grown through my five years of working here. The relationships I have built with my boss and my coworkers have thoroughly improved my quality of life. I have been extremely lucky to work amongst such understanding people. Even though they can drive me crazy, I still respect each and every single one. These people have become some of my closest friends. I love watching them flourish as we live our separate lives, but Rita’s will always bring us together.
Next, I have grown such an appreciation for the art of water ice. Never in my life did I think that water ice would be so important to me. I love the flavor, texture, and variety. Also, I love the process of creating it. I love having control over what flavors we have that day and how the flavors that we have available can bring joy to the customer’s face.
To the regular customers- I hold you near and dear to my heart. Your generous tips have helped me significantly get through college, and I cannot thank you enough. I love hearing your little anecdotes that bring a smile to my face during my shifts. The regulars also make my job so much easier by having the same order almost every time, and I love getting them ready to go the best I can.
To the new hires- you are the future of this business, so keep up the great work. I have tried my hardest to outline how to be successful in what you do. No matter how silly it sounds, considering that this is a part time job, you need to take pride in your work. Having good customer service, doing your best to make the treats look good, and respecting your coworkers are important steps to doing well at Rita’s.
Working at Rita’s has been one of the best experiences in my life. I am so sad that my time at Rita’s is running out. You still have one summer left out of me. This small part-time job has had such a big impact on my life. I feel like I am one of the luckiest people to have a part-time job that I genuinely enjoy going to everyday. Thank you for the most amazing summers. I will always come back and get my favorite menu item: a kid’s gelati with Florida-orange ice and vanilla custard.
Wishing you ice, custard, and happiness forever,
PS: I think my only complaint about this job is the uniform. The visor can be a little dorky, but it is such a staple of Rita’s that I will let it slide.