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Our Fabulous Seniors

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

From supermodels to presidents to Starbucks baristas, there’s no denying we’ve had quite the array of campus celebrities this year. Though, in our eyes, no one is more deserving of the title than our very own HC members – the girls who work so hard each and every week to deliver top-notch content to our most loyal readers. That’s why we’ve decided to feature our graduating seniors in our last campus celebrity interview of the year. Here are a few of their final words as they embark on becoming the next batch of fabulous collegiettes to graduate from The Pennsylvania State University: 


HC: What is your fondest memory from your time spent at Penn State?


CK: After much deliberation, I would say my favorite memory is the night of the Michigan game. My two friends that go to Michigan came down for the game, and they were so sure that Michigan would win. The actual game was one of the best games I have ever been to, and my roommate and I actually started crying by the end. We were so excited and proud to be Penn Staters. That night we celebrated and really stuck it to my Michigan friends.

MD: Junior year, my roommate and I were crossing campus and saw a sign outside Old Main that said there was free food inside. We went in and found out that it was actually the Lion Ambassador’s Old Main open house, so we got to meet the president and climb the bell tower (and also eat free food). 

KB: My fondest memory has got to be meeting so many amazing people here.

CC: My best memory would have to be the night we beat Michigan my junior year. I will never attend a better game than that one.

KL: Ah, one memory? Sheesh. I think my fondest memory was the first time I was in State College. It was my first THON as a freshman in 2011. The immense energy was unlike anything I had experienced before, and I will never forget the first time I entered the jam-packed Bryce Jordan Center.



HC: What was your position within HC, and what caused you to make it part of your Penn State experience?


CK: I was social media chair for one semester and a contributing writer for two. I wanted to be a part of HC because I felt like my life was lacking creativity and expression. I loved that fact that HC covers more than just news. While we do comment on what the latest is in the State College region, we can also do creative and opinionated pieces.

MD: I’ve been a staff writer at HC for a few years now. I joined as a sophomore because I was looking to become more involved at school and because I loved writing- HC seemed like the perfect fit. 

KB: My position was one of the social media chairs. My roommate (the editor ;) ) talked so much about HC that I knew I had to join, and I love social media so it was just a natural fit.

CC: I was a writer for HC, and it was just something I loved and could really make articles my own.

KL: I started as a writer when I transferred my junior year and became the head editor my senior year. I was seeking journalism experience and loved what Her Campus stands for, the “collegiette’s guide to life” and HC gives the writers creative freedom, which is a pretty big deal for a journalism student… and it’s a super cute website, too!


HC: What are you most and least excited about post-graduation?


CK: I am most excited to make money at some point. However, I am least excited about not being around my good friends all the time and having to make some big decisions.  

MD: I’m absolutely least excited about the job search process, which I’m in the midst of now and will likely still be dealing with for a while after graduation. I’m most excited about starting a new chapter in my life. We really are in a bubble here at Penn State, so I’m excited to be a part of the real world, have my own apartment, make a salary… all of that fun stuff. 

KB: Most excited about the possibilities and least excited about actually being an adult.

CC: I’m most excited for the new, unknown chapter that begins after graduation and least excited about leaving everything I’ve known for the past four years.

KL: I’m a strong believer that, “everything happens for a reason” and everyone has a pre-determined path. That being said, I am most excited to see what life has in store for me and where my journey will take me! Cliché? Maybe.

I think I am least excited about no longer living in Happy Valley. It’s such an incredible place, and I’ve enjoyed hanging out downtown and even exploring the surrounding areas, like Penn’s Cave and even some places in Bellefonte. Oh and Mount Nittany, too, of course. 



HC: What is the one place within State College that you are going to miss most?


CK: I don’t have one specific place, but I know I am going to miss the fact that I can walk everywhere here. I am not excited to have to drive to get food or just be social.  

MD: There’s a path that runs through the woods back behind the Arboretum; I’ve been running that path since freshman year, and I feel like it’s gotten me through my best and worst days. I think that’s the spot in State College I’ll miss the most. 

KB: I am definitely going to miss The Waffle Shop!

CC: The one place within State College that I’ll miss most is Beaver Stadium. Football Saturdays have given me some of the best memories.

KL: One place? Is that even possible?  Hmmm…  Let’s just consider Downtown State College a place because I really love it as a whole. It’s so welcoming and just fun to walk around and hang out in. Do I have to graduate?



HC: What is one piece of advice you have for underclassmen moving forward?


CK: Do not be afraid to make a drastic change. If there is any time to explore and change, it is while you are in college. If you are not happy in your major or doing whatever you are doing, do something about it. There is no time like the present. Do not be complacent in finding your own happiness: sometimes you have to fight for it.

MD: Live in the moment. All of those experiences that seem so small and insignificant are the ones that you look back on with nostalgia as a graduating senior. Don’t take a single second at this incredible place for granted. 

KB: Never take for granted the time you have here – it goes by faster than you know.

CC: My advice is to never take this place for granted. Four years goes by way faster than you think. 

KL: Your life will never be the same once you leave Happy Valley, so never take any aspect of your life right now for granted.  I know, I know, you’ve heard it a thousand times, but take it from me. It’s the weirdest feeling knowing that I moved out of my apartment, and I’m no longer a resident of Happy Valley or a student at Penn State.  It’ll be over before you even have time to think about it, I promise. So be aware every single day that your time here is limited and make the absolute most of it. Study hard and go to class, but remember to have fun and explore, too. 

Rachael David is currently a senior at Penn State University and serves as the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Penn State. She is majoring in public relations and minoring in psychology. Her love of creative writing and all things Penn State is what inspired her to become a member of the HC team in the fall of 2013. Her background experience includes working for the Undergraduate Admissions Office at Penn State as a social media intern in the spring of 2014 and is currently working as a social media intern for an internet marketing company in Harrisburg called WebpageFX. This past summer she also served as a PR intern for Tierney Communications. Rachael enjoys anything media related especially catching up on her favorite shows, including Saturday Night Live and any show on Food Network. She has a passion for food but also loves being active and spending her free time running or hiking. She hopes to gain more experience in all aspects of the media industry during college and plans on pursuing a career writing for a life & style publication in the future.