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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Some may say that Sunday is the most important day of the week, and I would have to agree. Keep reading for the best ways to “Sunday Reset” instead of getting stuck bed-rotting.

Yes, I know it can be tempting to lay in bed all Sunday. Even I sometimes get lost in the warm covers on a Sunday morning and refuse to get up. But we need to start setting some guidelines for ourselves so we can be prepped and ready for the week.

Don’t get me wrong, I love to sleep in. However, when I end up sleeping past noon, I find myself to be even more tired than I was the night before. Let’s set our alarms and get up at a decent hour so we don’t waste the day away.

After waking up, there’s a few different paths we can take. Some may take a nice warm shower, others like a cup of coffee. I always start my day off with a filling breakfast because it gives me the energy I need for my reset.

Does anyone else have a color coordinated paper calendar? Just me?

Well if you don’t, I recommend checking your Canvas calendar multiple times a week, but especially on Sundays so you can see what you need to prepare for.

I also have noticed that many of my professors have assignments due on Sunday nights. Even though we should have gotten these completed during the week, this is a great time to catch up on anything you might be running late on.

Another great thing to do on a Sunday is your laundry. There’s nothing better than having a full wardrobe to pick from during the week.

I know what you’re thinking: The laundry room is always full on Sunday. While this can be true, I find that if you go in the mornings, most of the time they are empty (don’t quote me on that, though).

Even though this is a Sunday reset, we can still treat ourselves. I love to treat myself to some Starbucks or Dunkin’. It’s a little reward for all the hard work I did during the day.

If you are feeling up for it, a workout is a great way to boost your endorphins and make you feel good about yourself. This doesn’t have to be anything crazy. You can go to the campus gym, follow a YouTube video in your apartment, or even take a nice walk around campus.

It’s the little things like this that keep us going and give us the energy to start our week off on a high note.

Of course, there would be no Sunday reset without doing some Sunday cleaning. My roommates and I split the chores during the week, but every Sunday we do a deep clean of the apartment.

It may seem annoying, but I promise there is nothing worse that living in filth. You will thank yourself later.

Honestly, I don’t have too much else for you, since the joy of a Sunday Reset is personalizing it to what you want to do. These are some of the things that work for me, but there are so many other things you can do.

These few simple things will have you feeling so productive and ready for the week to come. However, do not feel guilty for sleeping late or binging a TV show. We all have to indulge every now and then.

Thankfully these few chores can be done super quick, and as long as you don’t procrastinate, you will have plenty of time to relax and unwind.

Hi everyone I'm Paige! I am a sophomore at Penn State and my intended major is Public Relations. When I am not writing for Her Campus @ PSU, you can find me hanging with friends, binging a new TV show, or reading a good book. Outside of Her Campus @ PSU, I am also involved with ED2010 which is an organization that helps aspiring students reach their dream job with a magazine through networking, workshops, and speaker sessions. I am also involved with AWSM, Association for Women in Sports Media. They help students receive jobs in the sports media and journalism industry as well as supporting the growth of women in the sports industry. I am from Drexel Hill, PA which is right outside of Philly. I love to hangout with my two dogs and my younger sister, as well as spending time with my friends. I spend my summers down the shore and working at a water ice shop!