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Penn State Library Reading Room
Original photo by Emma Hogan

The Paterno Starbucks made an Instagram account and this is why you should follow

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

This semester, the Starbucks located in the Pattee & Paterno Library created an account on Instagram. Their first post debuted a series titled, “Meet the Team Mondays,” where every Monday they introduce members of the team who you can recognize simply by being a regular.

And who on campus isn’t a regular? I know that I have relied on this Starbucks location since my first year, and have since become an almost daily patron. After stopping by as often as I know some of us do (even members of the line have become familiar faces to me), you begin to recognize the faces and voices that call out your name and order.

At least in my eyes, these workers’ importance does not go unnoticed. The Starbucks in the library employs some of the most personable strangers I have encountered on campus, and I have only ever had friendly interactions.

So how do they do it? Starbucks is exceptionally popular, and most days, exceptionally crowded. And yet, even waiting in a line that reaches the elevators, they move efficiently and still make you feel like you can take your time at the register. It’s impossible not to appreciate the little things when they have been the backbone of study motivation for a large population of students who attend the Pattee/Paterno Library.

Most companies and businesses that create social media accounts do so to encourage sales and promote business. While this could be the same reasoning for Paterno Starbucks, the account mainly seems to encourage its employees and promote a fun and supportive work atmosphere. Their “Student of the Week” posts especially exhibit that support, putting student employees in the spotlight and acknowledging their dedication. 

This is what seems to be so special about on-campus jobs; no matter what brand you are working for, it is cradled by the university’s spirit and offers a consistent customer pattern of Penn State students and faculty. There is community in all aspects of on-campus jobs. 

Business social media accounts have the potential to add a more visible personality to potential customers, and the Paterno Starbucks account certainly does this. However, just upon visiting in person, you can see that personality for yourself. A smile goes a long way, and the employees there go above and beyond to stay cheerful and helpful.

Food service is often a thankless and trying career, so when the Starbucks in the library is able to make your day with the service, that is a sign that they should be applauded. This is exactly what their account achieved in my eyes, posting for customers, but also giving the customers the option to comment and applaud the various students of the week and employees in general.

On some of my most stressful academic days, studying in the library all day until late at night, the Paterno Starbucks has been there for me with a smile on every employee’s face. I cannot stress how much I appreciate them, mostly because I know some of them are students who have their own scholworkwork they need to do, but also because cheerfulness has become so rare.

The ability to change someone’s attitude for the rest of the day is rare. I believe the Paterno Starbucks achieves this daily with hundreds of students, which is why it was so surprising to me that currently, they only have just over 100 followers. To me, this Starbucks is as vital as some of the most iconic places on campus simply because it feels so unique to the Penn State spirit.

The Paterno Starbucks employees truly do seem to operate as a family, and their Instagram account gives a glimpse into the attitude and values they uphold. Knowing they serve more people than they have recieved recognition for, and still seeing that every employee does so with a cheerful disposition is inspiring and infectious in its positivity.

Sarah Corrigan is a senior at Pennsylvania State University with a major in public relations and a minor in creative writing.