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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Penn State is a school that is known for distinct specialities when it comes to majors. At Penn State, so many people are drawn to the business school and communication degrees, but there are so many more options that help curate more specific interest areas. These programs can lead to some amazing professions that foster an amazing educational experience.

Overall, these are what I feel are the most underrated majors at Penn State. 

Health Policy and Administration (HPA)

Health Policy and Administration is a major that is the perfect blend of business and science. The classes within this major teaches you how to improve public health, and additionally helps you build your leadership ability to be a better advocate.

This major also highlights how healthcare has its positive and negative aspects, and emphasizes how to address these problems and enhance the health of so many people. 

Material Science and Engineering (MATSE)

The number one reason I chose this major was particularly because of how it encourages women in STEM. MATSE looks at material aggregation and how to improve engineering outcomes.

I feel like this is an underrated major because it begins to help focus on quality of materials, which benefits sustainability efforts. Every person who I have met who is a MATSE major is very cool and loves what they do. 

Workforce Education and Development (WFED)

Workforce Education and Development is an interesting major, as it connects well to the overall umbrella of “human resources.”

I took a WFED class for my minor, and I found it so informative. The class overall looked at how to be a better hiring major by educating yourself on how to hire individuals with disabilities and people of color. The class reviewed many scholarly articles regarding discrimination in the workplace, and we would have to provide commentary on how things could be done differently.

This was very interesting because I feel more people who have knowledge in these subject areas work in companies in order to improve diversity. Additionally I feel this major will become increasingly more popular as more companies want to utilize better hiring practices.  

Animal Science (ANSC) 

Recently, I learned more about animal science and was incredibly interested. This major can often be considered “animal psychology,” which I was a little bit apprehensive about because I did not know what it meant. But ultimately, this major teaches its students how to evaluate the physical and mental well-being of animals. This helps improve animal welfare in so many ways, and improves ethical care in the agricultural industry. This makes it extremely underrated, because most people do not even realize how necessary this is to humans, let alone animals. 

Food Science (FDSC) 

FDSC is self explanatory: it’s literally the study of food. With the food we eat, especially processed foods, it’s important to know that there are good scientists working towards making things as healthy and safe as possible.

Penn State has an extremely reputable FDSC program and it is good to know the people in this major are doing everything to improve food outcomes. 

Overall, these majors need more recognition when it comes to how beneficial they are. I have tons of respect for all of the people in these majors, because they make the world a better place in so many ways.

Health Policy and Administration student at Pennsylvania State University.