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What’s All the Rage With Kombucha?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

I am super familiar with eerily accurate “gut-feelings” that always seem to know exactly what is going on in my head. Plus, my intuition when something bad is going to happen is on point. After wrestling with whether or not I have any psychic abilities, I found another explanation.

These feelings can all be easily explained by my Enteric Nervous System (ENS). The ENS is the system that connects our brains to the gut and bowel – aka the body’s “second brain.”  Those feelings in our stomachs actually have more to do with our brain and emotions than our stomach at all. Therefore, I was not surprised to learn that stress has serious consequences on gastrointestinal physiology. Understanding this interconnectedness is one step in the right direction towards handling our stressors. 

By healing my gut I can also heal my mind. I can’t see my gut, so it is hard to know what it needs and what it wants. How do I decipher whether that gurgling in my stomach is hunger or stress-induced? This is tricky and becoming in tune with this “second brain” takes work. Nonetheless, there is one fool-proof firewall precaution that I take to give me peace of mind – Kombucha.

Kombucha is a fermented tea filled with bacteria and yeast. Yes, it sounds delightful, I know. Our body is made up of millions of microbes, in fact, we are just walking bacterial colonies. So, fear not, this wonderful drink helps to tend our body’s “gardens.” Not to toot my own horn, but I have been around the kombucha wheel long enough to know which flavors are it and which are not. If you are willing to brave the bacteria, here is the list:


This tastes like freshly squeezed lemons in a bottle – can’t beat that. For my lemonade fiends, this is right up your alley.


Again, the taste of fresh-squeezed citrus gets me every time. Orange juice with a twist of gut-loving bacteria – yes, please. 

Golden Pineapple

A match made in heaven between one of my favorite fruits and favorite drinks. The natural sweetness gets me every time. 


It took me a little while to become acquainted with ginger. Once I learned to love this spicy root, I have not looked back. Mix in the berry flavor and this is a go-to choice. If you are new to ginger and don’t want to dive right into an exclusively “ginger” flavored product, dip your toes in with this one. 

Mystic mango

Mystic Mango tastes more like juice than tea – it is thick. If I recommend kombucha to someone, I recommend this flavor. Especially for those getting used to the taste, the fermented flavor is very mild. If there is one flavor to try, it’s this one. 

strawberry serenity

I know, I just raved about Mystic Mango. These two are pretty much tied except Strawberry Serenity holds a special place in my heart. The nostalgia of strawberries always warms my heart and stomach. Plus, it is rare to find genuine strawberry flavor in a world full of artificial flavoring – so sweet and so delicious.  

Honorary mention: KeVita’s

KeVita’s kombucha is a sure-fire way to get those fermented colonies into your gut. I find their products at most grocery stores and supermarkets, so it is extremely accessible. Only downside: the flavor is a bit watered down and not as *spicy* as I would like. However, if you are new to the kombucha game, this is a great mild option. 

My favorite kombucha brand is GT’s by far. Their raw kombucha contains no added sugars, has a full-bodied flavor and has a diverse range of flavors.  

Try your hand at one of these fabulous flavors – you really can’t go wrong with any of them. Your gut will be sending you all of the warm fuzzies if you do.  

I am a first year student studying political science. My two loves are cooking and being outside. I love my two pets Winnie, a chocolate lab, and Craig, a beta fish. When I am not studying in my room, you will probably find me outside playing tennis, walking, or doing yoga. I am originally from State College, PA. <3