Want to get the most out of your college experience? It might be time to drop into the involvement fair and get involved on campus! Let’s be real, college can be a lot, but getting involved on campus can be one of the best decisions you make during your college career.
Develop New Skills
While it is important to join organizations that you are already interested in, it could also be an opportunity to try something new. College is a time for discovering yourself and trying new things.
Always been intrigued by the idea of fencing? Now is your opportunity to join a fencing club! Heard of powerlifting but thought it was way out of your league? Learn from other college students and join a power-lifting club.
There are many many clubs to choose from and sometimes it can feel like there are too many choices. Attend the introductory meeting to learn more about the clubs and how it fits into your schedule. You might pick up a new hobby or two.
Get Help In Your Classes
While there are many hobby-based clubs around campus there are also clubs that can help you educationally. If you are a business major there may very well be a business society. You can meet people inside your own major. Upperclassmen can give you advice in future courses.
You may also find people taking the same courses as you and set up study times together. Many clubs also have lectures and workshops to help you improve as a student. I highly encourage at least attending a meeting or two just to meet some people inside your major.
Make New Friends
Clubs are there to help students get involved with other students on campus. You may meet your next best friend at a club that you never would have met otherwise. Establish friendships that can last for years to come. The club environment also ensures that you can consistently keep up with them. Clubs often have social events to bond with other members. There can even be formals to attend with your other club members.
Build Your resume
While an internship or teacher’s assistant are both excellent ways to build your resume, these are not the only opportunities. There are clubs focused on volunteering opportunities to keep your volunteer hours up. If you become committed to an organization you can also have a leadership position.
Some leadership positions are very competitive as well and push you to challenge yourself. A club can require as much commitment as a class. Be sure to add your accomplishments and events to your LinkedIn so future employers can see them. It adds an authentic timeline of your contributions to the club.
Add Stability To Your Life
Being at college can turn your whole world upside down. To start, you have to move constantly back and forth between college and home. Every time I go home, I am hauling bins there and I am hauling other bins back.
Your schedule changes every semester and you are constantly taking new courses. It can feel overwhelming and keeping some consistency in your life can have some major payoffs. Many clubs have the same times every week. You can see the same faces and lean into the support that the club has to offer.
Challenge Yourself
Putting yourself out there is uncomfortable. Deciding to step into a community group has its benefits, but it also has its drawbacks. Potential members can feel like they do not belong or that they will not make any friends. Joining clubs forces people to put themselves out there. Make it your time to grow and do something outside of your traditional comfort zone.
Give Back To Your Campus
Your college campus offers so much to you but what can you give back? Many college students only live in the area for four years but being a part of an organization can help you make a lasting impact. Who knows, you might even get involved with student advocacy and install permanent change on your campus. If you feel disconnected from your campus, clubs can be monumental in changing your experience. Campus life is full of exciting events, so try and be a part them!
Clubs can be an amazing experience during your college years. While there are numerous reasons why joining a club could benefit a student it can also be nice to be a part of something bigger than yourself. Try to reach out to the community around you and embrace the positivity and support.