Do you want to achieve everything you want? Do you want those straight As, that perfect skin, the perfect set of friends, and just the perfect life? Follow along carefully with me.
First of all, there is nothing like having the “perfect life”. Everyone has and will always have ups and downs, and they make you stronger. The roller coasters will contribute to who you are and who you will become. But, there is a way in which you can become the ideal version of yourself and achieve everything you want.
The first step to becoming “that” version of yourself is being delusional. You need to do what you do every day but have the mindset that you have already achieved everything you wanted. For example, I want healthier hair. Now every day, I am going to walk, work, or do anything believing the fact that my hair is really healthy. Giving out this positive, strong energy can help manipulate me into taking more care of my hair. This is a manifestation technique that has worked for me and for a lot of others too.
The second step is to stop thinking about it. You need to let the universe work for you. If you believe that it will happen and leave it there, the universe will send that energy back. If you keep thinking about getting it, you are blocking that energy. Just put it out there for it to reciprocate.
The last step is to stop caring about minor inconveniences and just focus on the bigger picture. Don’t let anything except yourself upset you. Your self-respect has to be higher than your emotions.
If you actively follow these steps, you will undoubtedly achieve everything you want.