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Why and How You Should Take a Break from Your Phone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

A few days ago, I sat down to wait for my next class and looked up to realize that everyone around me was holding their phones mere inches from their face, including myself! I asked myself, what was so valuable on our phones that made us glued to them constantly? It was discomforting to realize that everyone around me was in their own little world, oblivious to everything around them. Has social media or Netflix really become that important that we can’t go a block of time without checking it? Don’t get me wrong, social media is great for posting cute pictures of you and your girls on a night out, but I think a little break is healthy every once in a while.

In today’s society, our phones contain just about everything important to us. We bring them wherever we go as if they’re made out of gold. Think about it how many of you have your phone next to your bed even while you sleep. I know I am guilty of this. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have a phone because I know I definitely could not live without mine, but don’t hesitate to turn your phone off for a while. We value the social media and the digital world so highly that we forget the simple things that we take for granted, like a sunset or a funny part in a movie. Relax and forget the craze of the internet world that we’re all so glued to. Below are a few ways to detach from the social media world.



Turn Your Phone Off

You can always start with just turning your phone off. It doesn’t have to be for long. It could literally be as short as a couple hours, just to clear your mind for a while and focus on the real world that’s right under your feet.


Deactivate a Social Media Account

I do this all the time and it really has helped me stay grounded when I need a break from my phone. When I say deactivate, I don’t mean permanently. Most social media pages have a limit of days you can have your account deactivated before they actually delete your account. I personally like to deactivate for one to two weeks before I reactivate page. If you don’t want to deactivate your account completely, you can also just delete it off your phone. Either way, this prevents you from checking your accounts too frequently. Before you know it, you’ll be on your phone less!

Hide Your Phone

This is essentially the same thing as turning your phone off. However, I do this a lot when I’m just doing homework or reading. Without my phone near me, I can’t check it and I’m able to focus on work. Let’s be real here, if my phone is out of reach, I am very unlikely to get up and go find it.

If you find yourself getting too caught up in social media, or having trouble focusing on school and work, try these tips to take a break from your phone!   

Hannah is a freshman at Purdue who is currently undecided but thinking about Pre-Med. She's an avid coffee and mountain lover. Her interests include photography,writing, and traveling. When she's not spending her day watching Netflix (probably Gossip Girl), you can find her exploring new places or reading. Follow her daily life on Instagram at hannah_skylar_
Jennifer Rowella is from Ridgefield, Connecticut. She is a junior at Purdue University studying Speech, Language, and Hearing sciences and is the Senior Editor of Her Campus Purdue. Jennifer enjoys reading, cooking, watching too many episodes of Criminal Minds on Netflix, and being a part of various clubs on campus.