We all have our go-to videos when it comes to Youtube entertainment. Whether it may be make-up tutorials, prank videos, clothing hauls, or house tours, chances are you may forget to venture out into different Youtube territory from time to time. Mix up your routine by checking out some of these quality Youtube channels:Â
1. Cut
Cut is a Youtube channel with many different binge-worthy series. Some video titles include: “7 Millennials Decide Who Wins $1000,” “100 People Tell Us The Drugs They’ve Done,” and “Exes Play Truth or Drink.” Cut has the ability of turning awkwardness into entertainment and allows real, every day people to participate in their videos. It is therefore relatable and realistic to viewers and makes for some very laughable content.
Via https://www.youtube.com/watchcut
2. The Skin Deep
   This Youtube channel is truly one of a kind in the community. Videos produced in this series focus on candid, heart-wrenching, and vulnerable conversations had between two individuals in a relationship. This can be between a husband and wife, a mother and son, two best friends, and so on. The two participants answer questions about their relationship and delve so deep into conversation that it almost feels intrusive to watch.Â
If you want a guaranteed cry from real and honest individuals, try watching “Hard Questions For a Mother to Answer” in which a mother and her young daughter answer difficult questions. Another good video is “Formerly Incarcerated Father Opens Up To Daughter.” Thank me later!
Via theskindeep.com
3. Jubilee
With a series called “Common Ground” in which two groups of people with opposing beliefs or values have a debate in a room, it challenges viewers in a unique way. Some titles include, “Atheists And Christians Debate Truth And Belief” and “Pro-Choice and Pro-Life Supporters Search For Common Ground.”
Via https://www.youtube.com/jubilee
This channel is certainly not for the faint of heart as it touches on difficult and controversial topics. Yet, this is what makes it so unique in the Youtube community and will help to mix up your video routine. Though you may have initial opinions prior to viewing this series, discussion is sparked in a mature and respectful way between groups. Opinions are therefore shared in a safe space and allows for participants as well as viewers to truly introspect and see things from a different perspective.
4. Bella Fiori
Though Bella is mostly known as a beauty and travel guru, she also has a Mystery Monday series that covers interesting solved and unsolved crime cases throughout the decades. She has made videos about Madeleine McCann, the Jamison family, JonbenĂ©t Ramsey, and many more. If you’re interested in crime and mysteries, you’ll definitely learn more about cases you’ve heard of as well as ones that are completely new to you.Â
Via https://youtu.be/1dl3QXUyYD4
All of Bella’s videos are usually around thirty minutes to a full hour, so be sure to stack up on your favourite chips before you get into bed.
5. What Would You Do?
Although this is actually a television show, the producers post short clips of their episodes on their Youtube channel. Let me tell you, I find myself binge watching these videos more often than I’d like to admit.Â
The show centres around certain scenarios played out by actors in real life environments, hoping for reactions from real life people. Some of these scenarios include a mother fat shaming her daughter getting food, a potential predator approaching a teen girl at a restaurant, and a black customer being racially profiled in a store. After the scenario is acted out, usually in an unacceptable and negative manner, individuals being filmed interfere and put a halt to the situation or give their opinion.
Via https://youtu.be/fAHHhHPwrE0
These videos make for great entertainment (because who doesn’t low-key like watching drama unfold from afar) and also feature significantly valid social issues prevalent in everyday life. The channel showcases an issue at hand and the danger it may pose to individuals in real life examples. Try watching this channel and see how you would react in these situations!Â
If you try and give these Youtube channels a good watch then I’m sure you’ll find something that intrigues you. You may be touched by some very vulnerable moments while experiencing a cheerful laugh from others. Either way, incorporating some of these channels into your binge-watching sessions will definitely spice up your usual video routine.