I’m an overthinker.
No matter how trivial something may be, I’m unable to make a single decision or have a single interaction without analyzing each and every minute detail, which ultimately results in me doubting myself. While I consider myself to be an advocate for strong-minded, independent young females, I am chronically incapable of trusting my own judgement.
I think this is an affliction that many of us suffer from, particularly now, in the day and age where an overwhelming abundance of information of all types lies right at our fingertips. We are almost obligated to be excessively informed in each decision we make; unlike past generations, we are no longer granted the luxury of being blissfully ignorant. While we don’t have the flexibility to make mistakes– the mistakes that were once considered all part of the growing and learning process as a young adult– there’s no such thing as “I didn’t know any better”.
We can’t even go on bad dates; at the click of a button we have access to a plethora of carefully curated information on our potential interest, giving us immediate insight into whether or not they’re an appropriate fit for us. Yes, this leaves no room for error, but it also leaves little room for the element of surprise.
Though I’m not usually one for New Year’s Resolutions (why wait for January 1st to start bettering ourselves?), this year my goal is to be more spontaneous. For once, I’d like to stop undermining my own reasoning skills, to stop questioning whether I should go to an event or stay home, buy one brand over another, talk to that person in my lecture or not, and just DO. I’d like to let myself make those errors, and learn from them. If second guessing was a passenger, Google would be the car.
Obviously making well-informed decisions is never a bad thing; in fact, it’s a very responsible thing, especially when it comes to big life decisions. However, as young adults constantly seeking affirmation from external sources, the toxic, seemingly-inescapable spiral of doubt can be an easy one to succumb to. I think it’s time we take a deep breath, turn off our computers, and make the leap.