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Campus Celebrity: Alexandra Kotarba

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.


Name: Alexandra Kotarba

Title: Queen’s Lifeguard

Year: Freshman

Alexandra is a first year Queen’s student who dedicates her time to being a lifeguard at the Queen’s pool. She is focused on keeping a keeping a healthy lifestyle and swimming is an excellent way to achieve that. She also teaches swimming lessons because she finds them so rewarding. Alexandra manages to keep up with her schoolwork and social life at the same time as giving back to the Queen’s community.

1. You are a Queen’s lifeguard right?

 Yes I’m in the lifeguard club.

2. Were you a lifeguard before coming to Queen’s?

 I lifeguard at a camp at home.

3. Have you ever actually had to rescue someone?

No, thank God.

4. Have you ever had any memorable experiences being a lifeguard, either here or at home?

I worked with the most amazing people all summer and in the lifeguard club here everyone is so motivated to practice skills but we all know how to have a great time.

5. Do you teach swimming lessons as well?

 Yes, I do teach swimming lessons as well as lifeguard.

6. Is swimming/lifeguarding something you want to continue in the future?

I would like to continue lifeguarding and teaching, it is really rewarding.

7. What do you want to do after Queen’s?

 After Queen’s I want to get a PHD in clinical psychology.

8. How do you keep a balanced lifestyle of work, school, a social life, and being active, etc?

 I dedicate different days to different activites and I manage my time really well.

9. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

 The best piece of advice I have been given is find something you love and run with it.

Jessica Winter is an English student at Queen's University. Though originally from Toronto, she loves the history of Kingston. In her spare time, she likes to read, write and hang out with friends. She is so excited to be a part of the Her Campus team and wants to continue in the field of publishing in the future. 
HC Queen's U contributor