Name: Jennifer Dong
Title: Campus Correspondent
Year: 1st
Program: Commerce
Behind every great organization, is a great woman. Or so the saying goes. This week’s campus celebrity is a bright, enthusiastic, and ambitious young woman who happens to be one of the co-founders of HerCampus Queen’s. Jennifer Dong is currently in her first year of Commerce at Queen’s University, and graciously answered a few questions about blogging, life, and goals!
Q: How did you each get interested in HerCampus, and blogging?
A: When I first met Peggy, she introduced me to an opportunity to get involved with Her Campus. I didn’t know what it was at first, but after spending some time looking through a variety of different blogs and articles, I was captured by the contrasting topics and unique characters of each chapter. I thought that building an online magazine at my own university would be incredibly exciting. The online network for female college students would be a building block for community enhancement and be used for channeling varying ideas and opinions.
Q: Could you tell us a little bit about how the two of you met and what inspired you to start a HerCampus at Queen’s?
A:  Well … as strange as it may sound, Peggy and I met during the summer through a quick Facebook message. Yes, I know. My mother told me not to talk to strangers. But seeing that Peggy and I were both involved in some of the same extracurricular activities outside of school and shared some common interests, she really didn’t seem like a stranger at all! I think what inspired both of us to start a Her Campus at Queen’s was the excitement of creating something new. Recognizing that we had an opportunity to meet new people and build a special platform for collegiettes at Queen’s truly propelled us forward, and motivated us to execute our plan.
Q: Â What future careers are you interested in?
A: Although I am currently studying in the Commerce program, I feel like I am still searching for the path I’m most interested in.I love fields such as marketing and public relations, but am definitely still uncertain in regards to future careers. Hopefully I’ll have a better idea as the next few years pass by!
Q: Â Any advice for starting clubs on campus or new initiatives?
A: Get organized. Get organized as soon as you can and always make a schedule ahead of time. I was surprised by the amount of applications that we had to complete and other unexpected logistics that come with creating a new club on campus. Deadlines and due dates can be easily missed if you’re not careful, so creating an agenda or calendar can be one of your greatest assets.
Q: Â Favourite thing to do on campus or in Kingston?
A: One of my favourite things to do on campus is to take walks by the lake during my free time. It’s rather refreshing and peaceful to take a stroll down by the water when school becomes overwhelming, especially during project time and midterms. Amidst the hyperactive environment of university, the lake is one place where I can take my mind off of different stress factors in my life and let myself relax.
Q: Â Favourite part of running HerCampus?
A:  I LOVE the people that I have met and I am currently working with. Everyone has such different personalities and the diversity is both enriching and exciting. Going to meetings is definitely my favourite part of running Her Campus. I have so much fun working with the team every week, and I can’t wait to see how our club will develop within the next few months