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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Name: Farrah Khoo

Year: 2nd

Faculty: Commerce

Hometown: Vancouver, BC

Describe yourself in 3 words: Bubbly, Crazy, Unique

What are you looking forward to most during homecoming?

Definitely the football game and crazy parties! I’m also looking forward to all the school spirit; it’s going to feel like the Olympics in Vancouver all over again!

Celebrity Crush: Drake

Guilty Pleasure: SmartFood Popcorn

Dream Vacation: Going to Australia to learn how to surf and scuba dive

Craziest moment at Queen’s?

Last year when I took part in the freeze-dance-off during frosh week!

Go-to drink at Starbucks: Green Tea Latte


TV Show: Suits

Movie: Goldmember and Cruel Intentions

Study Song: I can’t study with music!

Location in Queen’s: The lake