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Movin’ and Groovin’: Why Dance Could Be the Workout You’ve Been Looking For

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Disclaimer: I am not a regular-going gym girl. At the beginning of each semester, I always make it a goal to go to the gym more and find ways to get active, which is usually a struggle for me during the colder months when I can’t go for my daily walks outside. It’s easy for me to feel sluggish in the winter—when I don’t get enough exercise, I find myself feeling sadder and more stressed. However, it’s always funny how quickly I forget that I love getting my body moving, especially when I work hard and can feel the perfect amount of soreness the next day. I love the feeling of my muscles burning and of drinking more water in an hour than I usually do in a day (as I’m writing this, I’m realizing that maybe that’s kind of gross).

Most of all, I love getting in a really good sweat. I’ve found that almost nothing makes me happier and gets those endorphins going more than leaving a workout super sweaty, because I can see my hard work right on my face. It also lets me get out of my mind and into my body. Of the many different workouts I’ve tried with varying degrees of success, nothing gets me more excited and motivated to go to the gym than when I sign up for a dance class.

There was nothing I loved more than dance as a kid. Jazz, tap, hip hop, ballet, you name it. After I stopped dancing in Grade 10, I realized how much I missed the routine of it—getting in a really good warm-up, being creative while still getting my body moving, doing a restorative cool-down, and leaving the building with my muscles burning and my face beaming. With everyone doing the workout together, I felt the sense of community that I now find is lacking when I do solo workouts or try to figure out how to use the machines in the gym. That’s why I was so excited when I found out that the Queen’s Dance Club has endless options of dance classes and dance workouts to choose from.

Not only is dance a great workout that leaves you feeling super sweaty and super strong, but it also is just THAT fun. Movin’ and groovin’ to the music allows you to be creative and get active at the same time; killing two birds with one stone is a great idea, especially when it’s hard to carve out time to do so in our busy university schedules. Whether you’re into jazz or hip hop or have never danced at all, it’s a great way to get in touch with your body and push yourself without feeling exhausted afterward. Instead of feeling tired and depleted, I feel invigorated and happy.

Signing up for dance classes also implements some schedule back into my workout routine. When you have to pay $5, it makes it easier to get yourself to the gym. It also makes it so easy to go with friends or even alone. Either way, you feel like you’re part of the lovely and welcoming dance community.

Whether you need a change from your regular workout or need help getting back into the swing of things, I can’t recommend a dance class enough. Get movin’, get groovin’, and get happy!

Molly is a fourth-year student studying psychology at Queen's University. She is currently balancing working on her honours thesis studying cultural differences in parental apology styles, going to workout classes, and trying. so. hard. to keep her room clean. When she's not at CoGro, you can find Molly listening to the Lumineers, trying to decide on her next tattoo, or spending all her money on coffee.