Halloween is just over a week away.  And for those of you who have yet to choose a costume, it’s about time to panic.  Maybe you’re short on funds and can’t find something cheap and cute enough; maybe you don’t have plans yet; maybe you went costume shopping but were just too picky.  Whatever the reason, you’ve got to get it into gear and decide!
But not to fret, Bobcats. Â Here are five super clever Halloween costumes that are easy to DIY:
1. Â 50 Shades of Grey
2. Â Three Blind Mice
3. Â Ghostbuster
4. Â Cruella de Vil and the Dalmatians
5. Â Thing 1 and Thing 2
Feeling inspired yet, collegiettes? Â I hope so!
If you aren’t, try this: cut a square out of the center of a white posterboard, then use markers to decorate the border to look like an Instagram photo. Â Carry that around all night. Â Look! Â You’re a selfie! Â (This is so much more fun than the go-to white sheet with two eye holes cut out of it.)
Whatever costume you decide to wear, we hope you enjoy your Halloweekend, collegiettes!