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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

We have recently heard that self love is very important but, why is it important and how do we do this without coming across self-centered. Sometimes life becomes so busy that we forget about “me” time which makes life seem even more stressful. Getting that time to yourself and being comfortable in your own skin brings you closer to happiness. But, how can we do this with such busy lives.

1. Breath

A good exercise to calm your nerves is taking deep breaths that truly fill your lungs. A good exercise to practice is taking two fingers from one hand then placing them on your other wrist. You take a deep breath in drawing the fingers to the top of your other hands pinkie and once you reach that top hold your breath for  moment. Then release that breath drawing your fingers back down to your wrist again. Repeat this motion with all 5 of your fingers and I promise you will feel brand new.

2.  STOP thinking

Okay, I get it we are in college and that’s what our parents expect us to be doing but take a moment to not overthink every single thing. We get so caught up in petty things that don’t matter and that ultimately won’t happen. And if we do over think we should only over think in a positive matter. Overthink something that is exciting to you or overthink a new opportunity that is awaiting you. Putting negative thoughts into the universe only causes them to happen.

3. Find a Hobby

Finding something you are passionate about allows your brain to stop overthinking. It gives you a topic to talk about with friends and family and it gives you a reason to not be bored. Whether your hobby is a sport, painting, playing music or writing, it is good to have an activity that allows your brain to focus on something other than negativity.

4.  Why are you great?

Think about it. You are completely unique from another person and that difference is what makes you who you are. It may sound cliche but finding that difference and focusing on it will allow you to be more confident in who you are. So go look in that mirror and list off what makes you stand out from the rest.

5. SPA DAY!!

A spa day is certainly always needed. Yes, I know college is kinda expensive and we can barely afford a face mask from Marshals but there are ways to create that relaxation without spending the big bucks. Pinterest it! Find ways to have you time that allows you to be pampered and beautiful. The more beautiful you feel the more confident you are.

6. Find your strengths

Finding your strengths is a huge part of growing up. We don’t really know who we are until we are in our mid to late 20s. This gives us time to learn more about ourselves and find who we really are. What makes you a good friend? What makes you a good worker? What makes you a good daughter? There are reasons why people love you. You just need to know them for yourself.





Hi I'm Sarah! I am a journalism major at Quinnipiac University. I have had a passion for writing since the 8th grade. Not only do I love to write but I love working out and trying to live a healthy life in this hectic world we live in.
Brooke Van Allen

Quinnipiac '19

Hi! My name is Brooke and I'm a Senior at Quinnipiac and the CC of our chapter. In addition to blogging, I am passionate about animal welfare, nature and environmentalism, holistic health, cooking, and travel (I Just returned from a semester abroad in Thailand). I'm a psychology major and am infatuated with the human mind and listening to and helping people with anything going on in their lives.