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Brian Tells All! Boyfriends, Break ups, and Hook ups

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.


My boyfriend and I broke up. He wanted a break and I didn’t. What should I do?

Step one is to give him some space. It will be tough in the beginning there is no one that will argue with that, but time seems like what he could use. If it bothers you so much that he wants a break, then you should reconsider your relationship with him. Also, ask him what he considers a break. Does that mean he can see other girls or does it just mean he needs a couple of weekends to himself? If he wants to see other girls, then don’t waste anymore of your time with him.

How do I push to get a guy into a relationship and away from the dating phase?

You should never push him out of his comfort zone. If you push him into a relationship before he is ready, then he will be pushing to get out of a relationship and away from you. One thing you can do is test him on your next date to see if he wants to be in a relationship. I’m talking simple stuff like holding hands. If you see some discomfort in a simple action like that, then he probably isn’t ready. But please don’t forget your purse on purpose and see his reaction at dinner. I hate that.

I like this guy but I’m not ready to move quickly. How do I veer away from hooking up after hanging out?

This is a major problem for people our age. There is such a pressure all the time to hook up after hanging out, one on one, with the opposite sex. You shouldn’t have to veer away from hooking up; you should be able to tell him that you just aren’t ready yet. If you do want to hook up, but just aren’t ready, don’t be afraid to say so. The guy will be happy to know that you are interested and he should understand if he cares. If he doesn’t care than go find someone else. I heard Joseph Gordon-Levitt is single.