“Wait! I’m almost done with my homework but let me check…”
We’ve all procrastinated an assignment, or ten. Here are some of our tried and true favorite websites to waste time on.
If you want to literally waste your day on browsing the web then you have found the place to start. StumbleUpon is one of the most addicting and time-consuming websites out there and you will never stop clicking away. The best part is you can choose what you want to stumble upon and majority of the things are really interesting. Try it!
Music lovers, here is a website that is not Pandora or Last.fm…hello Hypem! Although it is very similar to the other music stations, it is a blogging station that opens up your music tastes. You can find a number of remixes, popular songs and a variety of music on this machine. AND you do not need an account. Goodbye emails!
Collegecandy is filled with juicy advice on relationships, sex, fashion and college life overall. Not only does it give advice about guys and classes, but also advice on how to get an internship and “challenge of the month”. Want guy advice? Check out the “ Ask a dude” section, sure it may not be everything we want to hear, but it’s the opinion of a REAL guy so take it.
Fashion-forward girls can find themselves glued to this website. Collegefashion is all about upcoming fashion trends, samples of outfits to try and advice on fashion majors. Look around, there is so much going on that you will love everything you click on.
Remember when Facebook allowed you to send cards to your friends with those silly messages? Well, you can find all of them on Someecards.com. Sending cards out to your friends never gets boring-they are funny and everyone wants a good laugh! You can even share them on Twitter, Facebook or email. They are also themed, so if you are looking for something in particular, you will definitely find something that will create a good laugh.
And, of course, HerCampus.com!
If you want to procrastinate endlessly like I did while I tried to write this article then, browse away. I can guarantee that you will end up loving at least two of the websites if not all!