Look the part – Just because you’re sitting in your dorm room for the interview doesn’t mean you should be wearing what you threw on when you rolled out of bed for class. Instead dress as if you were going into the office for the interview. While having the interview done via Skype may seem more casual, you should still dress professionally.
Do your research – Before the interview would be best! While you may be tempted to Google the company or a term you’re unfamiliar with it during the interview, don’t. Your interviewer will see your focus drift. Even having your resume as a backup on your computer may be an issue. Clicking between the Skype screen and the word document can be distracting for the both you and your interviewer. Think of it this way, you would not go into an interview with a bunch of papers to read from. Refrain from doing the same with your computer or tablet.
Clean your room – Your room is reflection of yourself. Unless you’re having an interview with Cosmo, throw out all those old issues you have laying around. If your room looks messy, your interviewer may think you are a disorganized person. You want to give off your best impression and a clean and tidy room can help you do that.
Location, location, location – Make sure you position yourself in a place where you and your interviewer won’t get distracted. Place the screen away from mirrors or windows. Also double check to make sure you have nothing near the screen that will not give off the best impression of yourself. For example, that collage of spring break photos should be out of view.
Keep focus – I know it can be hard to maintain focus when there are so many temptations on your computer or in your room. Interviews are used to get to know you as a job candidate and a person, which is hard to do when your mind is elsewhere. To be as professionally personable as possible, keep your eyes on interviewer and stop checking out yourself in web came to see if your bangs are in your face.