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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Name: Jake Meyers

Age: 22

Major: Small Business Entrepreneurship

Hometown: Bemidji, Minnesota

Relationship Status: Wifed up

Celebrity Crush: Zoe Salanda

Hobbies: Fishing/hunting and I play the guitar

Three words that best describe you: Relaxed, personable, and weird

What attracted you to your girlfriend? We’re interested in all of the same things, she’s genuine, and obviously I thought she was really attractive

Most embarrassing moment at QU: Going into the wrong class and then almost falling over my chair when I tried to leave.

Ideal date: Go somewhere fun like an aquarium or a concert and then finish it off by cooking dinner.

Describe your three best physical traits: My height, I work out, and I use conditioner in my hair

Favorite genre of music: Country

Top three things on your bucket list: Skydive, swim with a whale, and see the pyramids

Do you have a favorite quote: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Favorite sport at QU: Hockey

Fun Facts? My favorite childhood movie was Indian in the Cupboard

If you could have any super power, what would it be? To be able to teleport

Biggest turn off? Girls that worry too much about what they look like

Favorite food? Chipotle

What meal would you cook for a girlfriend? I’ll try to make anything, but I like to cook stir-fry

Number one thing that you are looking forward to this year: May weekend

Sweetest thing you have done for a girl: My girlfriend really wants to learn to speak Italian so I got her Rosetta Stone as a gift and told her I would learn it with her