John Midy, a graduate-level healthcare management student and York Hill campus Community Assistant, can usually be found indulging in any Quinnipiac activity that promotes community. Born a natural leader, Midy organizes many QU events where he encourages the entire student body to attend and have some fun with him. I had a chance to talk to the super-involved student, who is on his way toward earning an MBA.
HC: What are some fun facts about yourself?
JM: I have 9 other siblings, and in high school I was the captain of the football team and played baritone horn in the marching band. During one of my games, I ended up playing in the half time show with the marching band with my football pants with pads and cleats and my marching band uniform covering my upper body.
HC: What clubs and organizations are you involved with on campus? What positions do you hold?
JM: I’m involved with Residential Life (Community/Resident Assistant); the Quinnipiac Ballroom Society (Co-president in 2014 and started the 1st Annual Dancing with the QU Stars events with the team); the QU Technology Center (Program Coordinator); the QU American Colleges of Healthcare Executives (Vice President); the Graduate Student Affairs Counsel (Board Committee Member); and the Student/Faculty Student Affairs Committee.
I was also involved in the ASI Nicaragua Alternative Spring Break Trip (Delegation Leader); 2010 Orientation (Orientation Leader) the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity, the New Blue Rugby Team, intramural sports, the Latina Cultural Society, the Community Action Project and Habitat for Humanity, the Campus Ministry, the Knights of Columbus and the Photography Club.
HC: What is your favorite club or organization and why?
JM: It is tough to say I had a favorite club or organization because they all gave me such valuable skills, friendships, confidence and great experiences. If I had to pick a couple I would have to say that residential life, the Quinnipiac Ballroom Society, the Alternative Spring Break Trips with ASI and HFH, as well as my fraternity, TKE, were the organizations that I learned the most from and that changed my life for the best. These organizations have helped me with the process of maturing and learning about the value in friendships. [They] increased my confidence and kept me motivated to do what is right in the world.
With the fraternity TKE I have learned a lot about friendship, brotherhood, [and] loving one another no matter where we came from….Ballroom Dancing has helped me with becoming a better leader, increased my confidence as I became one of the best ballroom dancers in the area, and helped me connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds…
HC: As a Community Assistant, there are many misconceptions about the job. What myth would you like to bust?
JM: Community Assistants are there to make sure students have the best times of their lives on this campus and are never there to hinder anyone’s experience or get them in trouble of any sort. We do our best to provide interactive programs that get the community together and facilitate relationship building. We do our best to encourage independence and responsibility without putting anyone in a situation where they feel lost and alone.
We do not mind students enjoying themselves in their residential rooms, but we want to make sure that everyone is safe and do not do anything that will put them at risk of hurting themselves or others. An amazing campus and residential life experience is something we encourage students to have and enjoy, and safety is the number one reason why we do what we do if a conduct [meeting] takes place.
HC: How has being a C.A. contributed to your time here at Quinnipiac? How do you think it will help you in the future?
JM: Being a CA has made my experience at QU a million times better. I have had opportunities to develop my own events on campus that residents enjoy, which is like hosting a party that people will talk about for the rest of their lives. I’ve had chances to make an impact on the lives of many residents and have had residents come back to thank me, which has you appreciating your role on campus even more. I’ve been invited to interviews that contributed a lot to where the university is heading, and I have been invited to events that only a few students in the history of Quinnipiac will ever get a chance to attend.
This is not an easy job, though. There were times when I was exhausted and had to put a lot on my shoulders, but the experience made me tougher as a person. The skills I have learned, the personality I have developed and the respect I have learned will help me greatly with the future, no matter where I go. I am truly proud to have had the opportunity to be in such roles on campus.
HC: What is your favorite part about being a CA? Would you recommend it to others?
JM: My favorite part about being a CA is listening to my residents’ stories. Everyone has something to talk about. Everyone’s character comes from their experiences, and to hear about who they are and why helps me see life at a different light. I am very grateful for the trust that I have with all my residents. Since I first started as an RA four years ago, I have learned a lot about this community. We are all such beautiful and enlightening human beings.
One of my favorite programs I’ve had the opportunity to do with my residents was when I had my freshmen and transfers go up the hard trail at Sleeping Giant. The trail, for many of them, was difficult, and everyone needed to help each other go through it. We had some people fatigued and we had some folks that were ready to quit, but in the end we all made it to the top….Three years since that event my residents still come to me and tell me of how appreciative they were for that experience. This experience changed some of their lives, but most importantly got all of them to appreciate the moment they had when they accomplished success.
HC: What are your plans for after graduation?
JM: [The closer] I get closer to graduation the more fearful I get of the future. As we continue to grow we learn that life never has a straight path to what we had planned out to be, but I have faith that no matter what I will do [what] is right and good for the many people out there. My goal is to continue to make an impact on the lives of many.
I am currently looking and working as an intern at Northwestern Mutual. This company is a financial planning firm that helps people of all financial backgrounds accomplish their goals in life. In addition, I would like to be around healthcare and make a difference in the lives of those who are impaired or who want to improve their health and lifestyles. I am in search to see where my love and passion continues on…
HC: What is your advice to undergraduates at QU?
JM: Take advantage of QU. The university has so much to offer, and within the seven years I have been here there are still lots I have not done.
There is always, always someone who is going through more adversity than you are. If you can remember that, your perspective of life will be a lot better, and you will live with more joy in your heart and more love to others. In addition, always be a service to others; you will never know how it may come back around to help you out in the end. Lastly, be the best you can be, live, and enjoy life to the fullest.
Community Assistant John Midy may arguably be the busiest man on campus, but he will always make time for his residents, as well as all QU students. He is definitely celebrity material, so do not be afraid to shake his hand in the hallway if you see him!