Name: Kevin Pollard
Age: 19
Year: Sophomore
Major: Broadcast Journalism
Hometown: Franklin, MA
Hobbies: Acting, Writing, Music, Sports
Relationship status: Single
Ideal girl: A girl whose weirdness perfectly matches mine
How would you approach a girl: Just walk up and start a conversation. You never know what could happen or what stories you might hear. Everyone’s got a story to tell.
First thing you notice about a girl: Eyes and smile
Favorite weekend activity: Watching the Patriots
Favorite movie: Forrest Gump
Favorite music genre: Hip Hop
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?: Outer Space because who doesn’t want to go to outer space?
Fun fact: I’m secretly James Bond.
What are you looking forward to this year: Adding to all the memories and friendships from last year. Life is good.