I’m always looking for great ways to give myself as well as my clients the long lean muscles we all crave. There is so much stuff out there but I always keep coming back to Pilates. I know with myself that once I found Pilates I became hooked. It made me just feel great from the inside out; and then fabulously enough I started to see results on the outside that matched the feeling on the inside! Can you say, “Win, Win!”
Here are my top moves to sculpt your hips and abs:
Start off with a low dolphin plank, always keep the elbows directly below the shoulder joint for stability, and draw in your abdominal muscles (think of a belt wrapped around your core at belly-button, now pull that belt another rung tighter). Hold for as long as you can. If it starts off as 5 seconds that is fine, work your way up to 30+ seconds.
Next, flip into a side plank, again make sure of your elbow/shoulder alignment. Hold steady for at least 15 seconds and either stick with this or…
Graduate into a star pose. This works the lateral (side) of the body, and your obliques as well as your quadratus (think love handles). You also begin to engage your glutes as well, which progresses well to our next set of exercises!
Onto hip series: some of my clients’ absolute favorites! Start with your knee beneath your hip and try to get your ankle in line with your hip joint. Flex the foot and begin side leg raises (please double check and make sure your toes on the moving side are either pointing straight outward or turned slightly downwards towards the floor; this ensures that you are working your hip adductors rather than your quads). Once you are done with a set of 10, point the toes and work the leg into very small circles (10 in one direction and 10 in the other) trying to keep the hips as still as possible and enjoy the burn!
Almost done!
Bridge pose with some added pizzazz! Begin in bridge with both feet on the ground, and gradually place all of your weight on one leg and extend the other so the thighs are in line. With a pointed toe raise the leg upwards:
Then, flex the foot and bring it back to the starting point with level thighs. Repeat 10 times on both sides and you are one workout closer to your perfected sculpted legs and abs. Enjoy!
For even more workout info and videos check out Meg’s new website: www.ExerciseYourBeauty.com, while you are there join the mailing list and receive exclusive tips and tricks.