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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

St. Baldrick’s raised over $23,000 so far! This picture, taken at closing, shows only a fraction of the men who shaved their heads and women who cut their hair for the cause! Congratulations SPB!

Leigh is a senior print journalism major and sociology minor at Quinnipiac University. She enjoys traveling, writing, photography, watching Sex and the City, going out on the town (of Hamden) and laughing with, and at her housemates. In the Summer of 2009, she interned in Los Angeles at Genlux Magazine and Red Light Public Relations. She studied in Barcelona in the Spring of 2010 where she learned the true importance of life from the Catalan people. She is a member of Alpha Chi Omega and was a recruitment counselor during formal sorority recruitment in February. It has been rumored that due to her consistent honesty, she has no secrets of her own. Leigh loves her university and is having the time of her life as a senior. She has only had a few minor freak-outs about her upcoming graduation to date.