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Tom Hilbrich ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Name: Tom Hilbrich

Age: 23

Major: Marketing

Hometown: Mississauga, Ontario

Relationship Status: Happily single but always looking for love.

Celebrity Crush: Jennifer Lawrence



Hobbies: Boating, water skiing, camping, guitar, snowboarding, and hockey, of course.

Three words that best describe you: Outgoing, funny, and ambitious.

Most embarrassing moment at QU: Last year, I accidentally walked into the girls’ bathroom in a towel to take a shower.

Ideal date: Grab something quick to eat and do something fun and spontaneous. The more active, the better.

Describe your three best physical traits: Well I’ve been told I have a well-shaped behind, but other than that I’d have to go with my blue eyes and somewhat red beard.

Favorite genre of music: That’s a tough one. I’m into all kinds of music from reggae to rap to country to classic rock. Pandora never lets me down.

Top three things on your bucket list: Backcountry helicopter snowboarding (You drop out of a helicopter and snowboard down a mountain with cliffs, trees, and a lot of powder) Sky diving, and learning another language.

Favorite quote: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” –Wayne Gretzky.

Favorite sport at QU: Men’s and women’s hockey and basketball.

Fun facts:  I’m 6’6’’, a duel citizen, and one of six kids.

If you could have any super power, what would it be? I would have to say teleporting. I love to travel.

Biggest turn off: Wearing too much makeup and caring too much about how they look.

Favorite food: I’d have to say Chipotle or Sushi, but I can never turn down a home cooked meal, no matter what it is!



What meal would you cook for a girlfriend? I would throw together something special, find out what her favorite food is and put my own touch on it.

Number one thing that you are looking forward to this year (or up until graduation): May Weekend.

Sweetest thing you have done for a girl: Sent spontaneous flowers from across the country just because.


Senior at Quinnipiac. I love traveling, shopping, Lake George, family, friends, my two dogs, glitter, and elephants :) Feel free to follow me on Pinterest, as well as Instagram and Twitter @annienoordsy