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Weird Things That Make You Fat

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Of Course, there are always the nightly indulgences, non-gym going and stress that can cause weight gain. But here are some WEIRD things that you may be doing that can make you gain weight.

Do you love your late night TV?

Well shut it off. According to new research from Northwestern University, staying up late may pack on up to two pounds a month. People who go to bed late eat more food, have worse diets, and are more likely to have a higher body mass index than people who hop in the hay earlier.

The Thermostat

A study in the journal Food Science and Nutrition found that the thermostat, especially when blasting the air conditioner could help you gain weight. Keeping your house cool, may lead to you eating more. When the temperature is in the “thermoneutral zone” our bodies don’t have to work to stay comfortable, which decreases the amount of calories we burn.


Your do-everything-at-once lifestyle has negative effects on your diet. Research from Emory University suggests that serially switching tasks actually wears out your resolve and makes you more apt to give in to temptation.

Diet Soda

People who drink two or more diet sodas a day have waist size increase up to SIX times greater than those who don’t drink diet soda. PUT THE SODA DOWN NOW!


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Tia Meyers


Tia is a senior public relations and marketing major at Quinnipiac University. She enjoys singing, kayaking, cooking, travelling, and dance. She is an only child and it has made her a very outgoing young woman. Tia’s motto is “you can’t be old and wise if you’re never young and crazy” and believes that you should be a person to look up to, always be true to yourself and to try anything and everything you can. Tia loves to watch tv and read, her favorite show is New Girl and her favorite book is “Girl With The Dragon Tattoo”. Tia is addicted to Dunkin Donuts coffee, rings, peanut butter and the beach.