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What Does Your Sleeping Position Mean?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.


What does the way you sleep say about your personality? Who knew that they way you sleep could say something about your personality! Take a look at these different sleeping positions and see what it says about you!

1.      Fetus: This is the most common position for most women. Sleeping in this position entails having a tougher exterior, yet still sensitive on the inside. They may seem shy, yet will warm up to you quicker than you’d expect! You may also be a little bit of a worrier.

2.      Log: If you sleep this way you may be quite gullible! This position usually means one is quite social and trusting. Yet, at times you may have a more firm personality!

3.      Yearner: If you’re a yearner you may be a little stubborn! A yearner may seem set in their ways, yet can also be open-minded! You may also take some time at making decisions.

4.      Soldier: If you’re a soldier sleeper you may set very high standards for yourself and others! You may be more conservative and not very full of complaints.

5.      Freefall: Being a freefall sleeper may mean you are quite outgoing! You may be comfortable with criticism, yet may also feel like your life is a little out of control.

6.      Starfish: If you sleep more in the starfish position you may be more comfortable out of the spotlight. You are a great listener and helpful whenever you can be!