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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Regent chapter.

Entry for the Regent Her Campus Chapter Valentine’s Day Writing Contest


The Test of Love

By Colin Bowser

Desdemona stood at the base of the steps, facing her final test. Her training as a priestess consummated in this moment, as she prepared to confronted Lolith, her goddess. The dream of every priestess was to meet their beloved Lady to be embraced in her bountiful affection. But Lolth would not take any Drow, her dark elf servants, into her into her arms. She only embraced the most holy. Thus, she crafted the tests of Lolith for the priestesses, so they might be molded into the perfect servant for her to cherished.  

The Dark Lady, Lolith tested all her priestesses’ virtues, Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Sacrifice, Patience, Humility. Finally, she tested Love, that virtue which all the other tests build towards. As Desdemona faced her final test, she recalled the first, Chastity. Upon the day of her induction, just as she approached her lady’s abbey, she was approached by a handsome Drow. At that moment thoughts filled her mind of a life with a loving companion, of children, and happiness. But she remembered Lolth’s teachings: “Keep thyself pure, think only of being wed to your Goddess for she desires you.”

The Test of Temperance confronted her with an abundant bounty collected for the fall festival. Never before had Desdemona seen such an exquisite harvest, but she knew if she partook of the luscious fruits of the harvest, she could never earn her Dark Lady’s love. For it was written: “Thy strength comes from Lolith alone, therefore study her word at the cost of all worldly pleasures.”

When presented with The Test of Charity, Desdemona expected little challenge. For a priestess, what would be a simpler than to show her love through giving? Yet Lady Lolith desires more than coin. That morning, from atop the abbey, Desdemona beheld her childhood home, built of stones that encased many fond memories. At that moment she knew her Lady’s desire. She forfeited those memories and surrendered all of herself to Lolith. That night the home and its memories became but ashes, for it was written: “Give all that you hold dear to Lolith, for she was first amongst you. All you have and all you are is because of her.”  

Later came The Test of Diligence. A grueling week of endless mouths to feed, people to heal, and halls to clean. What is love without labor? For it was written: “Keep thy hands and words ever active. Reach for our Lady’s gaze for she tires at the sight of the slothful.”

The Test of Sacrifice a somber one for Desdemona, a Drow blessed with remarkable beauty, but all must be given to prove true love. The scars serve a permanent witness of what is written: “Sacrifice your beauty so that you may better admire Lolth’s beauty, lest thy Lady envy her servant.”

Her fortitude strained at The Test of Patience. Desdemona awaited her doom in chains. Through the pain she prayed ceaselessly and await Lolith’s loving hand remove her from suffering, for it was written: “Await they Lady’s commands under threat or affliction. Endure great pain else thou shalt endure far more when found as an unfaithful coward.”

The Test of Humility came upon Desdemona on her birthday. No celebration was observed while she remained in constant prayer to Lolith, for it was written: “Renounce any will or self-worth for thou art nothing before Lolith”

Now Desdemona faced the final test, Love. All had been sacrificed to the Dark Lady and now she would be rewarded, for none failed the test of Love. Many priestesses left the abbey in shame for failing one of the seven, but never had a priestess returned from the final test. She opened the sanctuary door. A featureless stone room, sterile save for one rune carving a spider’s web through the floor. Desdemona walked forward, breathless. The door swung shut behind her. A moment of pure silence. Then the web glowed bright silver. She covered her eyes till the rune’s magic subsided. As Desdemona opened her eyes, her heart sank. Before her stood Lolith, goddess of the Drow. But she was not the pure embodiment of beauty expected, instead, there stood a twisted demonic amalgamation between Drow and spider. Lolith’s lower half split into eight chitin covered legs. Eight eyes dotted across her face and her jaw extended down with two fangs dripping black ichor that twisted into a wicked smile.

“Well done my good and faithful servant. You are worthy to satisfy my hunger.”

“Th-this c-can’t…you a-aren’t…”

“Do not fret over what you feel, for I have written, “Love your Lady unconditionally as it is only natural to fear your god.”

A senior English major at Regent University. Mostly just a word nerd who also happens to be in love with film and K-pop. Always in search of new experiences, food, and friends. Feel free to come say hi on Twitter or Instagram