College is great. There is no doubt about that, but alongside the amazing time of learning and connecting with friends comes the time when people ask you what you’re studying, and then the dreaded “So, what do you want to do with your degree?” question hits. If you’re like most students, especially those pursuing a degree that doesn’t give a straightforward employment path, this question makes you really want to groan in frustration. I get it. In fact, I more than get it.
I’m an International Studies major and I have figured out the perfect way to help eliminate this question from being asked. This is the way I handle it: I always state my degree, then I state what I am emphasizing in my degree and an area in which I would like to work. Most of the time, when you state all of this information, people usually don’t ask you what type of job you want.
Now, if a person does continue to press you about your employment plans, be honest. Don’t joke around and state a job you don’t want. If you do not know yet, tell people that. If the person asking is truly interested in your life, telling them that fact is not going to change their perception of you.
Always remember that you should be proud of what you are studying. Perhaps its English, theater, politics, etc., where certain people will scoff you off, but be proud of what you are pursuing. You are in charge of your own career and are seeking it out, and tell people with confidence what you love.
Smile!!! Please smile when you talk about this. A smile can open up the floor for deeper connections and even a chance for you to make a networking connection. When we show people that we really enjoy a certain thing, our insecurity about not knowing the type of job we want diminishes.
Also, as students, it is important to remember that employment is something that a lot of us don’t talk about in our daily lives and that is why when these questions are asked, we kind of clam up. I really want to encourage you all to take something away when someone asks you what type of career you want, even if you hate responding to that question.
Finally, it is totally normal to complain about this; I do it all the time. I groan and just yell to myself “Why do people press me so much on this when I don’t have a clue at all on what I want to do!” However, when you avoid that question you may never find the motivation to start looking for a road to employment and instead focus on living the joys of studying at college.
I truly hope this helps you guys when these discussions come about. They are not the most fun topics to discuss, but you will eventually have to face them, I promise. Try to state what you are emphasizing in your studies and a particular field that interests you, and when people ask, be enthusiastic and smile about your passion. Lastly, be honest and press into that dreaded question, it may help you in the future.