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Winter Is Coming And So Is The Dry Skin: How To Keep Your Skin Safe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Regent chapter.

Snow falling, presents all wrapped up, lights hung and lit, and carols being carried throughout the air, sounds like the perfect time of year, right? It isn’t once you step outside and that cold, frigid air sucks all the moisture out of your skin.

So, how do you keep that from happening? Here’s  six tips:

Wash in Warm Water

This isn’t stating the obvious, most people take warm showers; however, once little detail that can help combat dry skin is to wash your face is warm water. Cold water can rip oils from skin that are much needed, and warm aids in opening your pores up to absorb in nutrients.

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

This is one of the most important things to do in your skincare process, but it is put on even harder emphasis during the winter season. After cleansing, quickly apply moisturizer to the face, if you wait too long, your skin will not be able to absorb all the benefits. The best method for prompting absorption is to rub the product into the face and then lightly pat your face. Make sure to do this at night and in the mornings.

Make Sure It’s the Right Moisturizer

A big mistake many people can make is to buy the right moisturizer for the skin type. There are five main skin types, normal (well balanced, neither too oily nor too dry), dry, oily, combination (an oily t-zone and normal/dry cheek areas), and sensitive. Be sure to look for a moisturizer that best fits the needs of your skin type, if you use the wrong one it can lead to breakouts.

Moisturize Everywhere

Do not just moisturize your face. While moisturizing your face is wonderful, your hands and legs need the moisture, too. Unlike the worries on the type of moisturizer you use on your face, you can use most moisturizers on your body unless you have sensitive skin. In that case, it is recommended that you avoid scented moisturizers (i.e. Bath and Body Works) and go for a more natural base. Aveeno is one of the best lotions and is often recommended for those who have eczema.


Don’t be afraid of grabbing those gloves and scarves this winter season, as direct exposure to cold is the main reason for dry skin. Use gloves if your hands are going exposed to the cold air all day and a scarf that multiple uses besides warming the neck area. You can pull the front over your nose to help protect you face.


It’s easy for many to forget to drink water in the cold months, but constant hydration helps put moisture back into your skin to combat the cold. Always drink water because besides the skin benefits, constant hydration helps the body in so many ways. Drink up folks!

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Lucinda Shea

Regent '21

Originally from the Nashville, TN area, Lucinda Shea is an International Studies major at Regent Univerisity. She loves to write poetry and her own philosophies, and  she enjoys listening to the stories of others. Lucinda has spent years in the instrumental and vocal music world as well as many years in the theatrical world. Lucinda hopes to travel the world and share her experiences with others, but most important, she hopes to meet wonderful people in her life. Lucinda thrives off of a good cup of coffee and you can most likely find her listening to music while reading in a coffee shop.