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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Regent chapter.



Not to throw you into a tizzy, but World Kindness Day is quickly approaching! What is World Kindness Day, you ask? It’s a day where one is supposed to strive to be especially kind (duh). Now, one could make the same argument that might be made for Valentine’s Day: it’s a commercialized holiday created to increase sales; why should there only be one day to show love to another person- love is year-round!


Yes, you have been heard. Feel free to be kind all year and change the world. But we can still let this day be a specific reminder to be especially kind and thoughtful. Unlike Valentine’s, World Kindness Day costs nothing except maybe a few minutes of your time and a little intentionality.


World Kindness Day was created in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement. It began with the Small Kindness Movement which grew to several countries. A conference was held where participants could come and share kindness movements they started in their own communities. The conference became an annual event and caused the World Kindness Movement. (http://www.holidayscalendar.com/event/world-kindness-day/). The holiday is celebrated differently in several countries. Anything from flash mobs and charity galas to giving a dollar or two to someone in need is typical in the observing of the holiday. Here’s a list of a few ideas to get you started on your plans for kindness that won’t break your wallet.


Hold the door open for someone.

Really, it won’t hurt you to hold it for a few more seconds. Also, try not to make them feel like they have to speed walk by putting on a grouchy face or showing impatience.  




Greet people who pass you.

Try a smile! Say ‘good day!’ If you’re feeling especially courageous, make eye contact! 



 Awkward Comedy Central GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Write little love notes for your friends or family.

This is an effective method of showing just how much you care for the people around you. All you need is a bit of time. Just think of the reasons you like the addressee and write it down. Celebrate what you want to see more of!  



 Love Letter Animation GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Listen well.

Maybe let the other person have the last word. Try listening to the conversation. Make it about them, not about you (unless they ask something about you of course). 



 Cbc Listen GIF by Kim’s Convenience – Find & Share on GIPHY


There are so many ways to volunteer at Regent. If you don’t see them, you’re probably not plugged in. Here’s the dealio.





  1. On Saturday, September 10, Regent will be serving the elderly at 1:30 PM.

  2. Also on September 10 is Service Saturday! Campus Ministries will be taking a small group to Blankets for the Homeless. There will be two groups, so there’s plenty of opportunities! The first group is meeting at 8:30 AM and will return by 11:30 AM. The second group will head to Harbor North from 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM.

  3. On Tuesday, November 13, there will be a packing party in the Library Atrium from 5:30 PM-9:00 PM for Operation Christmas Child!

Refer to the Regent RUN email from November 6th for more information and to RSVP.


Have a very happy World Kindness Day! Now Go out there and show some love!


Tiyra is a senior at Regent University studying English with a concentration in communications. No, she does not want to be a teacher. She is a total advertising and marketing geek (she reads Adweek every morning and AdAge every month). She enjoys writing, reading, learning new things, and good music. She is a fan of Korean dramas, they're a lot of fun! If you're looking for her, you can normally find her where the free food is.
A senior English major at Regent University. Mostly just a word nerd who also happens to be in love with film and K-pop. Always in search of new experiences, food, and friends. Feel free to come say hi on Twitter or Instagram