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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rhodes chapter.

A stigma exists in our world when it comes to the term “quitting.” We are told to “try one more time,” even when things are not working. So we continue on in situations where giving it one more shot may not be the best response given the circumstances. Why is that?

Motivational quotes such as “winners never quit, and quitters never win” inspire perseverance, but can also send the wrong message. The implication is that winners only stop after they’ve won, and quitters give up when they start to feel lazy and take the easy way out. We are told that quitting is the road to disappointment, and perseverance leads to a happy ending. While in some cases this may be true, it does not apply in every situation. Sometimes, having the courage to recognize that leaving your current situation is the gateway to a new outlook on life. So go ahead –– quit.

Quit holding on to toxic ideals and listening to your inner critic. The voice that tells you that you are not trying hard enough, or working diligently towards your goal? Let it go. Sometimes, working hard means taking care of yourself and the relationships that you hold close. While this may push your goal a little farther into the future, it will keep you from being so discouraged that you give up on your dreams altogether. Recognize that taking care of yourself is not deciding to be complacent, but rather paying attention to the here and now, and investing in where you want to be in the long-term.

Quit allowing the opinions of others dictate your decisions. A common mistake many of us make in our college career is picking a major based on whether or not it will make those around us happy. While it may feel selfish, the only person whose happiness matters is your own. What is the point of merely existing in a job that satisfies everyone else, but causes you to be miserable? The simple truth is that you are not responsible for their happiness, but you’re responsible for your own.  

That toxic relationship or habit? Quit holding on to it because it is easier than letting go. If it is a burden to your physical and mental health, quitting is not equivalent to failure. Choosing to give up an old habit in favor of a healthier life takes courage. Choosing to stand up for you is what matters.

Go ahead, start asking yourself what YOU want out of life. Do not worry about other people’s opinions or what that inner critic will have to say. Have the courage to stop listening to them, and to begin following your path. Life is only so long, so do not waste time on something that is not right. Instead, go after what you want.


Hi! My name is Elizabeth Griffin and I am a first year student at Rhodes College. When I am not in school, I enjoy reading, writing, and taking walks with my dogs.