For college students, summer is filled with anticipation for the upcoming school year. The start of fall semester brings independence, reunion with friends and the novelties that come with being a year older. Still, being at a school so far away from home can make you wish for things hint– food that you took for granted over the summer.
Your family’s cooking
   Sure, dhall might have revived your favorite special for the whole semester, but nothing will compare to your mom’s tomato soup or your dad’s homemade french fries. After a couple weeks you’ll be begging them to send you care packages for a little taste of home.
2. Showering without shoes
   If you are not lucky enough to escape hall bathrooms, you’ll instantly miss the spa-like feeling of showering without your flip-flops as soon as you get back on campus. As you slide on your damp rubber sandals, you’ll dream of the clean white tub you left at home.
3. Your favorite restaurants
   Despite binging on your favorites before going back to school, nothing will keep you from craving the guacamole from your favorite taco stand or the coffee from the cafe down the street. You can try to find replacements in your college town, but nothing will taste quite like home.
4. Your pet
   Nothing can replace the furry buddy you have at home. You miss their cuddles, but your mom’s pictures of them will have you last you until a break.
5. Having nothing to do
   During the summer, the absence of school work made you so bored that you were almost looking forward to your first assignment. Now, a week in the semester when your to- do’s have overflowed onto five separate post-it notes, boredom starts to sound relaxing.
The grass is always greener, and something about college makes you perpetually miss your friends. Thanksgiving break and going back home will be here soon enough, and then you’ll spend the week missing everything about school.