Name: Matt Krause
Major: Hospitality and Service Management
Year: Second
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Interests: Socializing, Art, Jewelry, Horse Racing, Stephen King, Skiing, really anything to enjoy my life as it is very short.
Activities: I am member of the Kappa Delta Rho Fraternity at RIT, current President of the Interfraternity Council, and also a member of the Hospitality Association.
Relationship Status: Single
Dream Girl: Katy Perry
Favorite Quote: At the moment it is, “The two most beautiful words in any language are: I Forgive” – The Dark Tower, or “Don’t worry about your future or dwell in the past, you’ll ruin the present” – Me.
Interesting Fact: Two I find unique. Not many people know this but I was an art major for a year, and I love to do metalwork especially making jewelry. I am also a big fan of Horse Racing and love to watch the ponies’ races around the world.Â
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RIT chapter.