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Tips for a Successful Semester (From a Senior in College)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RIT chapter.

Whether you’re beginning your first year of college or finishing up your last, a new semester is a perfect opportunity for a blank slate. Here are some of my top tips for a productive and successful school year.

1. Invest in a good planner

Keeping track of and meeting deadlines is the key to your academic success. Writing down assignments in a weekly planner is the easiest way to keep yourself organized and on top of your work. You can purchase a paper planner or use a digital version to keep track of due dates and exams.

2. Memorize your syllabi

You should receive a syllabus for each of your classes that contains all the information that will help you succeed in the course. Make sure you read every section of your syllabi carefully, paying close attention to each professor’s grading scales and assignment expectations.

3. Prioritize self-care

You can’t thrive academically when your mental health is compromised. Self-care looks different for everyone, so whether it’s going to your favorite coffee shop before class, taking a walk around your neighborhood, or listening to a podcast—make sure you take time out of your day to be mindful and focus on yourself.

4. Find new ways to study

Studying for exams can be overwhelming, especially during midterms and finals seasons. Changing up your study routine can help make the task less daunting. If you normally study in your room, try a change of scenery. You can work in a coffee shop or library, or even outdoors. If you typically do your studying alone, try it with company. Whether you’re working separately or quizzing each other, sometimes the presence of another person can help us be more productive. 

5. Treat yourself

One of the most important tips I have is to treat yourself and celebrate every small victory. Finish an assignment a day early? Take yourself out for coffee. Ace that big exam you were worried about? Buy yourself a new pair of shoes. Whatever the victory, find a way to reward yourself. You deserve it!

Syvanna is currently studying psychology at RIT. After graduation, she plans to get a Master's degree in school psychology and a P.h.D in child development. She works at a local daycare as a teacher's assistant and on-campus as a notetaker and commuter ambassador. Outside of work and school, she loves going to the movie theater and spending time with her pug puppy, Leo.