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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rochester chapter.

About a year ago, I read somewhere that a new book series was taking over Twilight’s popularity and had the potential to become even bigger than the vampire novels and that book is, The Hunger Games. Written by Suzanne Collins (who is arguably a much better author than Stephanie Meyer), the trilogy is set in something of a post-apocalyptic world where there exist twelve Districts controlled by the tyrannical “Capitol,” or government. Many years ago, the Districts attempted to rebel against the Capitol and, upon their uprising being thwarted, were punished with a devastating price to pay. Each year, two adolescents from each District are chosen at random to participate in the ‘Hunger Games,’ a fight to the death against all the other participants for glory. This competition is meant to remind the citizens of Panem (the imaginary world the books take place in) of the bloodshed they caused during the coup.

In order to not give much of the plot away, I’ll just note that the books follow the main character, Katniss, through the games and their aftermath. Much like the premise of Twilight, she must choose between two “lovers” — Gale, a life-long friend of hers and Peeta, her fellow participant in the Games. What’s so great about the books is that they manage to be addicting without all of the unnecessary love drama and clichés of Twilight. The Hunger Games read at an incredibly fast pace and, while they are more directed at a younger crowd, can still be appreciate by nearly any age.
I mention the books because the film based upon them is due out this coming March, and is sure to be huge. Starring Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth (who definitely gives Robert Pattinson a run for his money in the hotness department), and greats like Elizabeth Banks and Woody Harrelson, it’s definitely bound to be a success at the box office. You can check out the first theatrical trailer here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fye5Nwe4qeI).  

Hilary Rosenthal is a senior International Relations major and minor in Journalism at the University of Rochester. Hilary recently returned from a semester abroad in Barcelona, Spain and is excited to return to campus. She is a a varsity lacrosse player, Vice President of Panhellenic Conduct, a writer for Athletic Communications and a writer for the Campus Times. She hails from Loudonville, New York and loves skiing, fashion, exploring music, hot yoga, ice cream and fro- yo, traveling, cooking, nail polish and a great book. Although most of her experience is in the political field, she is extremely excited to work on and start a Her Campus branch at the University of Rochester.