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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rochester chapter.

So far, senior year has been an emotional roller coaster, a constant back-and-forth between not giving a f**k about classes to giving a lot of f**ks about our futures. It’s been crazy! It took me a while to realize that this year was not going to be as easy as I had imagined. And that’s ok. So now, it’s just a matter of keeping myself on track while also not losing my mind. Here’s some tips to help you all hopefully create a successful senior year:

1. Accept that you are a senior and are probably graduating! Unless you’re a KEY or Take 5 or whatever, this is your last year in college. There’s no use in denying that the real world is in our very near future.

2. That being said, this last semester is not all about lazing around. You have to get on those job applications, sending emails, networking, etc. before it’s too late! Too many graduating seniors forget that the real world awaits and end up stranded without a job because they waited too long to be proactive.  

3. Take advantage of senior-specific events. This has proven to be a lot of fun, with seniors getting together at bars or sports functions – and at a discounted price. Bless up.

4. Even though it’s your last year, make some new friends! You never know which relationships will last forever, and it’s sooo worth it to find new connections in this last semester.

5. Take risks. I’m not saying jumping from roof to roof or anything, but college is the perfect time for experimentation, and for us, that time is almost over! From applying to jobs you don’t think you qualify for to doing a senior scramble, now’s the time to try it all!

Take my advice or not, I hope you all have an incredible last semester!!

Currently a Senior at the University of Rochester. I'm an English major, with a focus on media, editing, and publishing. I'm a sister of Phi Sigma Sigma, a member of College Feminists, and a Building Manager in Wilson Commons aka the greatest. In my free time (of which there is rarely any), I love to read, talk about/watch baseball, learn new things, and do fun things with my squad.