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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rochester chapter.

Surviving Sorority Rush 101


Most of us have been there- twelve hours days on your feet trying to make small talk with girls you hardly know about where you’re from, your major, and your interests on campus.  We dread going to the chapters where we know we don’t want to spend our next four years, but have to make the most of the thirty minutes we get at the chapters where we do.  Recruitment weekend felt like the longest days of my life, but I was able to make it through. 


Here are my tips to help you survive Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment:


1.  Wear comfortable shoes– we all know that appearance is very important during recruitment, but being comfortable should be your first priority when you’re spending hours on your feet.  And when I say hours, I mean that there is literally no downtime.  To keep it simple, avoid the heels and wear comfortable boots or flats (don’t forget to pack band aids). 

2.  Pack snacks– the first day of my recruitment started at 5:00pm and I didn’t get back until 1:00am.  That being said, my friends and I had to eat dinner at 3:30 and probably would not have survived the night without extra food.  Pack things high in protein and fiber to keep you full instead of snacks with low nutritional value to your body.  I survived off of Kashi granola bars and bananas for five days straight.  It’s also important to bring plenty of water and throw in a Diet Coke if you’re like me and need it to live.

3.  Chapstick– having Chapstick on hand during recruitment is so important.  By the end of the day your lips and mouth will be so dry, so remember to reapply between chapters.  My favorite is the Carmex Cherry Lip Balm because it’s medicated and keeps your lips moisturized for hours. 

4.  Avoid lethal topics: Booze, Boys and Bids- sometimes it feels hard to avoid the first two “Bs”, especially if you’ve made friends with girls in some of the chapters.  But, bragging about how many shots you took the night before is definitely not the best way to demonstrate your class to a room full of sorority girls.  Remember, the girls in the chapter are responsible for leading the conversation, but stay interested in what they have to say.  Talk about your interests on and off campus, and just be yourself.  These women want to get to know you for you.

5.  Have fun: you only get to go through recruitment once, and it flies by.  After recruitment you’ll have so many new friends who will be with you forever.  Enjoy rush while you can.  



Jessica is currently a freshman at the University of Rochester studying Business.  In her spare time you can find her working out, hanging out with her best friends and reading fashion blogs. Jessica is obsessed with pop culture, food and nail polish.  You can follow her on Instagram @jessptbaum.