Before reading please note that opinions in this article may be triggering.
I don’t want to come on here acting like the end all be all. I’m just a girl sitting in her dorm bed typing on a laptop. I felt inclined to come on here and shed a light on this topic because around me everyday I’m seeing more and more harmful habits. It’s becoming apparent to me that the habits college women have surrounding food are reflective of harmful behavior.
Just the other day I was walking through campus when I overheard two girls talking. The first girl says, “Oh my god I literally had a donut and a Dr.Pepper yesterday, I need to stop and get back on my shit tomorrow.” The second girl replies, “Oh my god me too, let’s go to the gym tonight.” There is such a negative stigma surrounding “junk food”. I think that oftentimes people forget balance. Of course you want to eat healthy and fuel your body with the right nutrients to grow. You’re also a human. You only live life once, therefore you should enjoy and appreciate the opportunity to treat yourself.
Think of your younger self. Growing up my mom always said “Everyone deserves cake on their birthday”. Imagine telling yourself that they can’t have cake on their birthday. You’re not only taking away a treat to enjoy, but you’re taking away a memory. Think about the experiences you miss out on when you limit yourself. I know so many girls that don’t go out for ice cream with their friends or refuse to partake in the light night Taco Bell DoorDash. If you are actively taking yourself away from all of these experiences, are you living a fulfilled life?
Why has it become so common for women to say things like “Ugh I had so much cheese today” or “I shouldn’t have that cookie”. Who declared how much is too much, and why shouldn’t you have that? I hate to break it to you, but one cookie won’t warp your entire body. It’s just not possible.
It’s not just about the food. I’ve had friends say they don’t want to come out with me because they feel too bloated. Just because your body is functioning and processing your fuel does not mean you should be stopping yourself from living. Women put value on themselves based on what they think other people will think. It is so easy to forget that the only opinion that truly matters is your own. Insecurity and the want for praise radiates. People pleasing gives off an unattractive energy. If you can’t tell yourself you love yourself, how can you tell others?
Disordered eating is disguised in these phrases and hidden under the umbrella of a “healthy lifestyle”. Through repetition and reaffirmation, many college women have adopted these habits as the norm. I’m no expert and I’m no doctor.
It is so easy to become susceptible to brainwash. The more you surround yourself with people who have these habits, the more likely you are to adopt them. Take a step back. Be the change.