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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rollins chapter.

At this point in the pandemic, most of us can agree that we have not been able to prioritize our mental health. Living in a time of uncertainty, it is natural for something so significant to take a negative toll on people’s mindsets. However, this feeling of neglect can become more dangerous than you think. Often, people tend to justify or blame how they’re feeling on a certain situation and feel there is no point in doing anything to make themselves feel better about it. Although we can’t control the condition our society is in, we can control our mindset and the way we will approach a situation.

One method I always find useful when I feel like my thoughts need uplifting is journaling. Even if you just want to write things down in the notes section of your phone, it’s just as effective as sitting down with a notebook. No matter what you’re going through or feeling tense about, writing your feelings down will help you to find ease and security in unprecedented times. In addition, ensuring that you’re taking time for yourself will help you feel more positive about life, whether that means catching up with friends or exercising.

As for my final tip, simply try to focus on the things in your life that you’re thankful for, and it will boost your mentality in more ways than you’d think. It can be something as simple as waiting for the weekend or watching your favorite Netflix show, but doing something every day that will make you happy can benefit your mental health in more ways than you can imagine. Despite anything that you’re facing, reminding yourself to put your mental health first will help you feel more optimistic and bring you the positive energy you need in all aspects of your life. 

Rollins '22

Meredith Klenkel is a Senior English major and the founder of Her Campus at Rollins. She aspires to write comedy for late night T.V one day and publish her own memoirs.