Starting at a new school where you may not know anyone and are not familiar with the area can be scary. It can make you feel like a freshman all over again.
Yes, being a transfer student can be nerve-racking, but it does not have to be this way. I transferred to Rowan University last year as a junior and found some useful tips that I believe every transfer student could use to have an exciting and successful experience at a new school!
1. Meet new people.
I know, sounds obvious, right? You meet new people, you make new friends. It’s always great to meet new people that can turn into friendships that last a lifetime. School shouldn’t just be about classes because having a social life is a normal and healthy part of the college experience. Not only is it important to make new friends for social reasons, it is also important to meet new people in order to help you get involved with school. A new friend can help you get involved in clubs, give you information on what jobs there are on campus and overall help you feel a part of the college community.
2. Get involved.
When I transferred here as junior I wondered how I could get involved when I only had two years left. Were clubs going to want me when most like to recruit freshman? Was I ever going to be able to get on an e-board starting my junior year? Well the truth is, I was completely wrong. It is NEVER too late to join a club or get involved. Currently, as a senior, I am in three different clubs, where one of the clubs I am the secretary and the social media director! This shows that even starting late in the game, I was able to not only be in a club but also have a position in the club, which is really important for building your resume.
3. See your guidance counselor.
Now, I recommend everyone see their guidance counselor; but I highly recommend transfer students see their guidance counselors right away. I suggest this because it is very important to make sure you are on the right track to graduate. For example, it is important to make sure all of your classes transferred from your previous school and that you meet all the requirements for your new school. Since most likely you are in your junior year of college when transferring or maybe in your sophomore (maybe even your senior!), it is important to pick a track at your new school and make sure you are taking your required classes.
4. Get to know your campus.
It is very important to be familiar with your campus. Some colleges are very big, and it is normal to be nervous about finding your classes, especially when one class can be at one end of the campus and the next one on the opposite side of campus. Don’t be afraid to ask someone for help. For instance, last year my roommate walked me around campus and showed me where my main classes would be. This helped me get comfortable with my surroundings; and on the first day of school, I did not get lost. Not only is it important to learn where your classes are, it is important to learn about buildings that provide a student with activities and help. For example, learn where the library is so you can find useful information there for a project or to find a quiet study place. Also learn where the gym is if you like to work out, where they also provide classes and activities which are fun and can help you meet new people. Lastly, learn about and know where the medical buildings are for whenever you feel sick and financial buildings are if you ever need help with finances. Overall, knowing where your resources on campus are will help you in the long run.
5. Not only is it important to learn about your campus, but learning about places in the town are important too.
If you ever want to branch out and need a break from campus, I suggest finding local places in town where you and your new friends can hang out. For example, local bars (if you’re 21), the movies, parks, restaurants, etc. can be a great way to unwind and have fun with your friends. School is very important, but it is also wise and healthy for a student to have some free time too!
So there we have it! These are the best tips I can suggest for new transfer students. Coming from experience, I believe that following these tips will definitely help a student have a fun and successful college experience at a new school!