This has been on my heart to share with everyone this week. I hope this reaches the people that have been asking, praying, searching, and begging for hope, for help.
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You are strong enough to get through whatever is troubling you right now. You are STRONGER than anything that tries to bring you down. Stop what you’re doing right now and let it go. Let whatever you’re struggling with go. It has NO power over you.
You are loved. You are cherished. You have so many people around you that you may not even know that see you and aspire to be you or be around you. You influence so many people just by smiling when you pass them. Just by being YOU.
You are YOU for a reason. There is something about you that sets you apart from everyone else. Maybe you’re creative, maybe you’re funny, maybe you’re intelligent. Maybe you’re encouraging, maybe you’re a great listener. There are SO many things that can make you unique. I know this is cliche, but it’s SO true. Be who you are and don’t compare yourself to others. They were made with a specific PURPOSE, just like you. Find your purpose.
Search for it. Don’t compare yourself to someone else because you weren’t designed to fulfill their purpose. You were designed to fulfill YOURS.
Whoever is reading this, I want you to know that even though I may not know you and you may not know me…I am here for you. I am here to support you, to encourage you, to let you know you’re not alone. I hope through my writing I can inspire you to keep going.
To keep living. To keep being YOU.
Remember: you are STRONG, you are LOVED, you are AMAZING, and you are NOT ALONE.