It’s the holiday season! The time for shopping, sales, eating, and most importantly giving is here. Are you looking for a way to give back to those less fortunate than you? Why not go to a soup kitchen or donate to toys for tots?
There are some great opportunities to give back to your community this holiday season through Rowan. For example, the Veteran’s Affairs Office and Veteran Student Organization are holding their annual Toys for Tots drive. If you simply bring a new, unwrapped present to the Veteran’s Affairs Office in Savitz Hall, Room 304, Alumni Relations Office in Shpeen Hall, or mailroom in Chamberlain Student Center you can make the holidays a little brighter for a child this year.
According to Kaylin DeSantos , a sophomore psychology major and member of the Psychology Alliance, the members of the club that went to the soup kitchen just helped prepare the food and cleanup and organize their complex. She also said, “The experience helped me be grateful for what I have and it was really rewarding to help those people and feel like we were making a difference.”
Even helping out with the Rowan Relief program, which is aiding those who were severely affected by Hurricane Sandy, is a way to give back during the holiday season. You could donate clothing to the Rowan Police clothing drive, which will be donated to Hurricane Sandy victims, give money to fraternities, such as TKE and Phi Psi, who are contributing to Hurricane Sandy victims, or even go to different beach communities and help people clean up their homes.