During the holiday season, and especially nowadays during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of life, both positive and negative. I believe that when we are all struggling individually, it is crucial for us to realize all of the good in our lives; including myself. So, I figured I would take this week to compile a list of 50 of the things in my own life to be thankful for, rather than harping on what I don’t have. Here goes!
I am thankful for….
- Waking up this morning
- Friends
- Family
- Having access to clean drinking water
- An awesome internship
- A home
- Not being hungry
- Safety
- Mistakes that I’ve learned from
- The kids I coach every week
- The kindness of strangers
- Feeling accepted
- Being able to see the sunrise every morning
- The sound of my favorite songs
- A hot cup of tea
- The ability to make people smile
- Spellcheck
- My Yoda Christmas lights
- Being able to try new things
- Having new opportunities
- Â Staying positive even when things are hard.
- The snooze button
- The scent of my favorite candle
- Overcoming my fears
- Clean Air
- Mental Health Days
- The stars and moon at night
- Laughing so hard I cry
- Good Health
- Honest conversations with myself and others
- Overcoming anxieties and depressive episodes on my own
- Keeping my diabetes on track
- Good food
- The opportunity to have an education
- Hot showers
- The internet
- Sleep
- Nature
- Tradition
- Old photographs
- Comfy socks (you know, the fluffy ones)
- Colors
- Golden hour (not for selfies, I just think it’s beautiful)
- Hope, even in the darkest of times
- Schitt’s Creek (seriously, watch it.)
- Being an activist this year
- Being motivated to speak out about the past
- Standing up for myself
- Breathing
- You (Seriously, you matter and I couldn’t be more grateful for YOU being YOU, no matter who you are)
Now, this being said, my life isn’t just sunshine and rainbows. In fact, it’s far from it. But I choose to focus on things that will empower me and bring light into my life. Why focus on the past, or on things that are unchangeable about yourself. Take a moment to realize that this is the only life you have, so you might as well make the best out of it and realize how blessed you truly are.